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Timetable and officers report

for these proposals. 8. In 2015 the Council, and the New Plymouth District Council, adopted the Yarrow Stadium Event and Function Centre Strategic Plan 2015-2025 (Document 1609546 attached) and 2015/2025 Asset Management Plans (Document 1609541 attached). The Strategic Plan outlined the following vision and goals for Yarrow Stadium. 9. Vision The best regional stadium in New Zealand that regularly hosts national and international sports and entertainment events. A stadium

Executive, Audit & Risk agenda Dec 2020

memorandum to update members on the financial and operational performance of Council. Recommended That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) receives the memorandum Financial and Operational Report and the July and August 2020 financial reports b) notes the Regional Integrated Ticketing System Update c) notes the digital media update d) notes the health and safety report for September 2020 Cloke/Joyce 4. Asset Management Plan for Pukeiti 4.1 Mr D Harrison, Director – …

Regional Software Holdings Ltd statement of intent 2021 to 2023

• Confidentiality of company information • Board and Director performance review and development RSHL will conduct itself in accordance with its Constitution, its annual Statement of Intent agreed with shareholders, the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 and the Companies Act 1993. 4 Ratio of Consolidated Shareholder’s Funds to Total Assets It is intended that the proportion of equity to total assets be in excess of 60%. 5 Accounting Policies The financial

Agenda public Executive Audit Risk Committee 20 June 2022

grants 265,151 174,060 91,091 4,586,236 4,237,765 348,471 5,229,709 Vested assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total income 1,240,547 741,075 499,472 33,233,766 33,422,495 -188,729 47,208,154 Operating surplus/(deficit) before finance income/expenses & taxation -1,544,975 -2,032,049 487,074 1,617,893 -1,526,551 3,144,444 -2,459,824 Finance income 109,858 14,583 95,275 363,839 224,566 139,273 647,417 Finance expense -68,650 0 68,650 -106,498 -78,736 27,762 -472,417

Executive, Audit & Risk agenda August 2021

revenue 154,430 2,172,194 -2,017,764 8,453,465 10,580,336 -2,126,871 15,026,419 Government grants 944,168 248,414 695,754 6,189,111 3,022,634 3,166,477 4,094,968 Vested assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total income 5,054,967 6,296,296 -1,241,329 41,617,845 40,671,511 946,334 46,573,729 Operating surplus/(deficit) before finance income/expenses & taxation 42,673 -650,930 693,603 5,188,525 -1,581,402 6,769,927 -1,624,995 Finance income 17,234 25,000 -7,766 277,605

Statement of Proposal - Proposed River Control & Flood Protection Bylaw

hydrological devices and equipment and survey benchmarks managed by, or under the control of the Council. There are currently no bylaws or other regulatory or non-regulatory measures in place to ensure the protection of the aforementioned assets. Image: Waitara River stopbank and erosion control. Purpose of the Bylaws Flood protection and river control assets are constructed to prevent damage, danger and distress to the community from river flooding. It is crucial …

Officers report on submissions Proposed River Control and Flood Protection Bylaws 2020

assets only. Existing legally established structures and utilities do not require bylaw authority. However, a new structure or utility that does not meet the requirements of the bylaw will require an authority. This authority is considered essential so that the Council can ensure the performance of the flood protection assets. page Submitter’s requests Officers’ recommendations and responses Notwithstanding the above, Council will ensure that gaining bylaw authority for

Full Council meeting agenda November 2020

Would not alter significantly the intended level of service provision for any significant activity undertaken by or on behalf of the Council, or transfer the ownership or control of a strategic asset to or from the Council. Membership of the Ordinary Committee Councillor D N MacLeod (Chairperson) Councillor M P Joyce (Deputy Chairperson) Councillor M J Cloke Councillor M G Davey Councillor D L Lean Councillor C L Littlewood Councillor M J McDonald …

Summary Annual Report 2018/2019

extracted from the Taranaki Regional Council 2018/2019 Annual Report dated 1 October 2019. The Council received an unmodified audit opinion. The Group received a qualified audit opinion due to the limited audit procedures able to be performed over the Yarrow Stadium stands asset value as at 30 June 2019. The opinion was dated 1 October 2019. The financial statements are presented in New Zealand dollars. The Summary Annual Report was adopted and authorised by the Taranaki Regional Council on 1