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Find out what is funded by your Taranaki Regional Council rates, how your rates are calculated, and where you can get information on individual property values and the rates payable on them. Downloads Public notice - rating information database 2020 (63 KB pdf)

Calculating your rates

Rates are yearly charges based on property values, made up of different components accounting for various services. They add up to just over a third of the Taranaki Regional Council's income. Most of the Council’s income comes from user charges, Government grants, dividends and rent and investment income. The Council’s rates are collected on its behalf by the region’s three District Councils, which include them in their quarterly rates notices to ratepayers. Rates vary according to which

Property & rates search

Use our online GIS SmartMaps to find valuation rates information for specific properties. Click here to open the interactive property information map. Go to the SmartMaps Property Information map, zoom in and click on your desired property, select 'More Actions' in the pop-up box, then select 'Generate Report'. SmartMaps Property Information Map Contact Us GIS team Phone: 0800 736 222 Email an enquiry

Rating information 2022/2023

page 53 Rating impact The following are examples of the level of total rates that different groups of ratepayers will incur in 2022/2023 under this Plan. All figures are GST exclusive. These figures are calculated on the equalised capital value of each district. The actual rates struck will be on the unequalised capital value. Accordingly, there will be some differences (expected to be minor) between the figures below and the final rates figures charged.

2021/2022 rates information

… page 98 The Council will charge a penalty of 10% on so much of any rates levied before 1 July 2021 which remain unpaid on 1 July 2021 or such later date as required under section 58(1) (b) (ii). (South Taranaki constituency). A discount of 2% will be allowed on the total rates set for the financial year, if the rates for a financial year are paid in full on or before the due date of the first instalment for the financial year (South Taranaki constituency only). This will

Rating information 2020/2021

page 48 Rating impact The following are examples of the level of total rates that different groups of ratepayers will incur in 2020/2021 under this Plan. All figures are GST exclusive. These figures are calculated on the equalised capital value of each district. The actual rates struck will be on the unequalised capital value. Accordingly, there will be some differences (expected to be minor) between the figures below and the final rates figures charged. Ratepayers in the

Rates information 2018-2019

page 106 Ratepayers in the New Plymouth and North Taranaki constituencies: In these constituencies ratepayers incur a mixture of capital value general rates, uniform annual general charges, capital value targeted rates and land value targeted rates. To determine the rates for any property, refer to the table for that type of property and then look by capital value (columns) and land value (rows). For instance, a residential ratepayer with a capital value of $300,000 and a

TRC rates information 2021/2022

page 98 The Council will charge a penalty of 10% on so much of any rates levied before 1 July 2021 which remain unpaid on 1 July 2021 or such later date as required under section 58(1) (b) (ii). (South Taranaki constituency). A discount of 2% will be allowed on the total rates set for the financial year, if the rates for a financial year are paid in full on or before the due date of the first instalment for the financial year (South Taranaki constituency only). This will

Calculate your own rates for 2021-2022

page Supporting Documentation for the 2021/2031 Long-Term Plan Taranaki Regional Council І Working with people І caring for Taranaki 119 Actual rates to be paid To calculate the rates payable for a property, obtain the rateable land and capital values from the Rates Assessment Notice issued by your local district council and then complete the attached table. All figures include GST. For example, if you own a residential property in the New Plymouth with a capital value of

Rates information 2019/2020 (Fuding Impact Statement)

page 45 Funding impact statement The total estimated expenditure for the Taranaki Regional Council for 2019/2020 is $45,093,287. This expenditure will be funded from the following sources. These funding/financing sources are consistent with the Council’s Revenue and Financing Policy. 2018/2019 2019/2020 2019/2020 Estimate $ Estimate $ LTP $ 4,927,648 General rates 7,954,392 5,142,319 3,026,744 UAGC - 3,106,386 2,220,791 Targeted rates 5,910,867 2,283,745