8.4 Recommendation 69
9. OMV New Zealand Ltd 70
9.1 Introduction 70
9.1.1 Process description 70
9.1.2 Water discharge permit 70
9.2 Results 71
9.2.1 Water 71 Inspections 71
iv Results of discharge monitoring 71
9.2.2 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 72
9.3 Discussion 72
9.3.1 Discussion of site performance 72
9.3.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consent 72
9.3.3 Evaluation of performance 72
pressure (bar)
Consent limit
5312-2 and 2.1 - 1,000 41.6 85 -
2021-2022 1,297 46 23.0 76 61
2020-2021 13,586 48 27.3 77 73
2019-2020 11,876 65 39.9 70 40
2018-2019 11,818 70 40.0 68 45
2017-2018 9,310 71 35.5 85 71
2016-2017 2,000 77 26.0 85 64
2015-2016 9,919 92 36.8 70 59
Consent limit
5312-1 - - - - -
2014-2015 13,403 58 18.3 119** 74
2013-2014 15,299 69 18.0 93** 72
Note ** Maximum injection pressures were recorded during reporting periods prior to
8.3.1 Discussion of plant performance 68
8.3.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consent 69
8.3.3 Evaluation of performance 69
8.3.4 Recommendations from the 2013-2014 Annual Report 70
8.3.5 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2015-2016 70
8.4 Recommendation 71
9. Taranaki Sawmills Limited 72
9.1 Introduction 72
9.1.1 Process description 72
9.1.2 Water discharge permit 77
9.1.3 Air discharge permit 77
9.2 Results 78
9.2.1 Inspections 78
Ordinary Council Agenda June 2024
Abstraction L/s
Total monthly volume
July 93 39 105682
August 81 3 9016
September 123 6 15520
October 72 <1 496
November 123 11 27591
December 117 7 19313
January 87 14 37960
February 84 6 14158
March 83 20 54869
April 83 13 34967
May 84 3 9153
June 78 3 8335
2.1.4 Results of discharge monitoring
Consent 5848 covers the discharge of used waters (mainly blowdown water) from the cooling system of the
combined cycle (TCC) and the
Ballance Agri Nutrients Kapuni Ltd Annual Report 2022-2023
developed area in yellow 66
Figure 11 Aerial view of site development at Taranaki Sawmills, c. 2018 67
Figure 12 Aerial view of new sediment treatment pond at Taranaki Sawmills 67
Figure 13 Taranaki Sawmills sampling sites including receiving waters 69
Figure 14 View of DustTrak PM10 monitor during deployment 71
Figure 15 15-minute wind direction data for 2019-2020 deployment period 72
Figure 16 Prevailing wind direction and wind strength data for 2019-2020 deployment period 72 …
Executive, Audit and Risk Agenda 17 February 2020
Vodafone Warriors - Dave Curran
56 Nitro Circus – Craig Gibson
57 Milton Alfred William Griffin
58 Grant Boyde
59 Taranaki Rugby Football Union Inc - Jeremy Parkinson
60 Graeme Earl
61 Claire Johnston
62 Ben Messenger
63 Richard Clough
64 Lindsay Thomson
65 Sharon Thomson
66 Eifion Williams
67 Ann Wilson
68 Don Sinclair
69 Brian Hunger
70 David Fuller
71 Frank Snowdon
72 Kevin Nielsen
73 Judith Snowdon
74 Darryl