Your search for 'riparian' returned 992 results.

Annual report 2016-2017

devices and planting of riparian vegetation are carried out, in line with consent conditions. Monitoring programmes for surface water abstraction include checking compliance with the residual flow conditions of the consent. Residual flow conditions set minimum environmental flows to be maintained during pumping in the waterways downstream from the abstraction point. Compliance with the residual flow conditions is assessed through hydrological flow gaugings which are carried out during low flow

Blue duck

deforestation and hydro-electric development in stretches of river that support blue duck.  Set traps on your property to control predators where blue duck are present.  Retire and plant river and streamside riparian vegetation to enhance and maintain water quality.  Report sightings to the Taranaki Regional Council or the Ornithological Society NZ Regional Representative Barry Hartley ( CONSERVATION The blue duck is an endemic New


land management in the region is important. Sustainable land use means using the land according to its capacity for sustained production. That is, matching the appropriate land use with land type. In addition to the riparian planting programme focused on Taranaki’s ring plain (detailed in Chapter 3—Fresh water), the Council’s sustainable land management programme focuses largely on the region’s eastern hill country and coastal sand areas, where soil is most vulnerable to erosion.

Lake Rotorangi monitoring report 2016-2018

impacts of minor freshes have been reported from time-to-time (TRC 1992; TRC 1993; TRC 1995). The Patea Catchment above the dam (including the Mangaehu sub catchment) covers an area of 86,944.3 ha, with an urban area of 840.9 ha (1%). Riparian plans have been prepared for an area of 22,048.4 ha (25% of catchment). As at June 2018, some 231 riparian plans have been prepared by the Council in relation to properties within the Patea River sub-catchment. An additional three plans have been

Policy & Planning agenda June 2018

Recommended That the Taranaki Regional Council: 1. receives the memorandum New Zealander’s views of the primary sector. Williamson/McIntyre 3. NIWA Study of riparian management and freshwater health, quality and swimmability in Taranaki 3.1 Mr G K Bedford, Director-Environment Quality, spoke to the memorandum presenting the background and findings of a report the Council commissioned the National Institute of Water and Atmosphere (NIWA) to undertake, ‘Analysis of stream

Aggradation in rivers & streams of the Taranaki ring plain

which were not transported as bedload but were deposited as a part of the formation and play an important control effect within the channel. All ring plain watercourses transport gravel and sand as bedload. Within the last two decades a series of heavy rainfall events has caused increased erosion in the upper catchments. This has led to an increase in bedload within watercourses which has induced instability within channels resulting in damage to riparian lands and assets within or

7. Wetlands

or regionally uncommon indigenous species.  Protection of all other wetlands, regardless of size, on ring plain and coastal terrace properties with riparian plans; and protection of hillcountry wetlands of a certain type and more than 1ha, or containing threatened or regionally distinctive species. Activity that damages these wetlands would be a non- complying activity and resource consents would be unlikely to be granted. However, grants can be provided to

Moir Forest and Wetland; Pete's Spot

Ngakotana Gorge KNE across the property boundary. Sustainability - Positive The wetland is in good vegetative condition, fully fenced, with margins being planted through the riparian scheme. New fencing is underway around one section of forest, with temporary fencing being erected around the other sections as and when required. Ecological processes will remain resilient to existing threats under appropriate management. Other Management Issues Habitat Modification