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Todd Energy Aquatic Centre monitoring 2018-2019

unit which relied on sea water as the source of heat. The old heat exchange unit was removed from the site when the gas-fired unit was commissioned. Current wastewater management practice for the indoor pools is that backwash water from the spa and children’s pools’ sand filtration systems continues to be connected to the outfall and is discharged on a daily basis. The amount of water discharged is equivalent to approximately 120 litres per minute and the total backwash cycle runs for

AEE Appendix 1 - Ōpunake Power Ltd

lake above a specified limit and that approval must be gained prior to lowering it further maintain a constant flow through the fish pass. Special condition 2 requires there to be a constant flow through the fish pass. Special conditions 3 and 4 require the Company to maintain a record of water levels within the lake at a minimum of 15 minute intervals and to install a staff gauge at Lake Opunake. The last condition is a review provision. The permits are attached to this report

Appendix 4: Monitoring wells

Email page File note 13 May 2008 Document: 456648 Groundwater sampling 10.04.08 Contents of each well were removed in 3 runs using a disposable bailer. HT=1230 (HT at Port Taranaki -10 minutes to adjust to Patea River mouth) Well Location Depth (m) Water level (m) Run start 0930 Water level (m) Run start 1100 Water level (m) Run start 1230 MW1 2637472-6159353 4.4 1.8 1.9 1.8 MW2 2637421-6159366 5.2 3.3 5.0 5.0 MW3 2637361-6159383 5.9

Remediation Hearing Bendall & Baker Supplementary Evidence

few minutes to an hour) (acute), and/or low-intensity and/or moderately unpleasant odours occurring frequently or continuously over a long period (chronic). 2.2 As noted in the GPG, acute and chronic effects can arise from different sources and may require different assessment and management. Odours which do not meet the offensive and objectionable threshold for acute odour effects may be considered as such if they recur frequently or are experienced over a longer

2021 Calendar of events Enviroschools

localized products/systems) - Vision Mapping with a Permaculture (systems) thinking approach (school/kindy &/or whole community) - Climate Change Action – youth/student action & empowerment - Outlook For Someday – Sustainability focused movie making up to 5 minutes for under 25’s - Nursery creation – eco-sourcing, grafting & propagating for a better tomorrow annotation page Funding & support available Building

Shell Taranaki Maui production station consent monitoring 2017-2018

most interest. The gas meter was therefore set up to create a data set based on recording the average concentration measured during each minute as raw data. page 14 Photo 3 Emission sources at the Maui Production Station Figure 3 Air monitoring sites at Maui Production Station for 2017-2018 The details of the sample run are summarised in and the data from the sample run are presented graphically in Figure 4. Table 4 Results of carbon monoxide and LEL

Opunake Power consent monitoring 2017-2018

further maintain a constant flow through the fish pass. Special condition 2 required there to be a constant flow through the fish pass. Special conditions 3 and 4 required the Company to maintain a record of water levels within the lake at a minimum of 15 minute intervals and to install a staff gauge at Lake Opunake. The last condition was a review provision. The permits are attached to this report in Appendix I. 1.3.2 Water discharge permit Section 15(1)(a) of the RMA

Annual report 2016-2017

lake above a specified limit and that approval must be gained prior to lowering it further maintain a constant flow through the fish pass. Special condition 2 requires there to be a constant flow through the fish pass. Special conditions 3 and 4 require the Company to maintain a record of water levels within the lake at a minimum of 15 minute intervals and to install a staff gauge at Lake Opunake. The last condition is a review provision. The permits are attached to this report