Your search for 'Annual report ' returned 2853 results.

TRC Cultural Framework - final draft

Māori way of knowing and the connectedness that knowledge has with the environment out of which it was derived2 This phrase adequately captures the meaning of Mātauranga Māori for the purpose of this framework. In a recent report by Landcare Research, Māori values were defined as: Māori Values Any natural resource, area, place, or thing (tangible or intangible) which is of physical, economic, social, cultural, historic, and/or spiritual significance to tangata whenua3

Late item

situations: eg different rules for different zones, differing degree of contribution to pollution, and/or different susceptibility to contamination.  There was still a lot of nation-scale aggregation of load reductions and the reporting of overall ground water and surface water quality - but there is also growing concern that these load reductions may not be enough to achieve the water quality targets, or that if these are pursued further they may carry too high an economic/production cost

Coastal Plan submissions M-R

regulating fracking prior to July 2011, the Taranaki Regional Council could have been in breach of s 84(1) of the RMA which requires every consent authority to observe and, to the extent of its authority, enforce their policy statement or plan. 669 page Te Rū a ga o Ngāti Rua ui T ust Page 5 of 23 The māo i a d s ie tifi approach and outcomes could be used to report on the State of the Environment, to monitor and report on environmental and changes from a

Site 65

report the incident to the bus company D. Do nothing you didn’t get hit., after all 9. When travelling on a school bus you should: A. Keep your hands and feet to yourself B. Never throw anything at any time C. Stay properly seated throughout the journey D. All of the above Try this us afety uizb s q Some not very funny bus jokes Why didn’t anyone take the school bus to school? Because it would never have fitted through the front door. What bus crossed the ocean?

Pukeiti Newsletter May 2019

(Ericaceae). Report to Botanic Gardens Conservation International (London); Massey University. 3 MacKay MB, Smith GF, Gardiner SE. 2017. New Zealand collections of Rhododendron as a resource for ex situ conservation. New Zealand Journal of Botany 55(2): 193-214. page page 3 The return of toutouwai (North Island robin) to Pukeiti after a century or more is cause for celebration on more than one level. The little songsters have been seen

Council meeting minutes 7 May 2018

2. adopts the recommendations contained within the officer's report and, as a result of submissions, amends the 2018/2028 Long-Term Plan supporting documentation appropriately page Minutes Ordinary Meeting 7 May 2018 3. notes the amended 2018/2028 Long-Term Plan and estimates will be audited and then adopted at the Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 15 May 2018. Lean/McDonald There being no further business, Chairman D N MacLeod, declared the Ordinary Meeting of

Site 54

Bennett and myself for a close-up look at the Huatoki stream. The programme involved data gathering on four field trips, written reports and follow up presentations at school assemblies. I was present at the St Pius X assembly and the pupils used a PowerPoint presentation to show their findings and conclusions and very well presented it was too. Thanks to St Pius X, St Josephs (New Plymouth) and St John Bosco for the opportunity to work with your students. I also had an

ODP Rural Environment Zone provisions 04 March 2022

footpaths and urban structures such as street lighting, unless required for ROAD safety reasons. There are also STATE HIGHWAYS with higher traffic levels. ARTERIAL and some COLLECTOR ROADS can also have relatively high traffic levels. As for the other ENVIRONMENT AREAS change is constant in the rural environment. Beyond the annual cycle of the seasons, regional, national and international forces act on the rural economy, and land uses frequently change as a result. Different crops,