Your search for '180' returned 636 results.

Dairy Farm Practices and Management Report (DairyNZ)

farms are the most vulnerable to any changes in discharge requirements. From council data shown in Table 10 it suggests that: • 1290 farms would be on Low Risk soils and able to implement deferred irrigation with relative ease. Some of these farms would need to install storage of up to 2000m3 depending on rainfall, catchment area and herd size • 180 farms would be on High Risk soils and rainfall <1500mm, and would be able to implement deficit irrigation relatively easy albeit

Annual report 2013-2014

140 sows, gilts, weaners, boars and up to 100 piglets and any one time. Future plans are to increase stock numbers up to 180 breeding sows. NZ Pure Bred Genetics Ltd specializes in growing 8 to 10 weeks old weaners for the market and do not grow fattening pigs at the piggery. Significantly less effluent is produced by not growing fattening pigs. Prior to 1 December 2012 over a four month period Meadowvale piggery had significantly reduced stock numbers allowing NZ Pure Bred Genetics

Report 2013-2015

Todd Energy Mangahewa-A hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Deborah Anne Ryan's evidence

around 150 metres to the west- southwest of the sheds. K & R Brown are at 40 Airport Drive approximately 180 metres from the sheds to the southwest. 52 Poppa’s Peppers is at 35 Airport Drive and around 250 metres to the southwest of the sheds. The submitter maintains that they are in the “stink zone”. 53 K & G McDonald live at 62 Airport Drive their dwelling is around 55 metres from the nearest shed. Their property is also adjacent to the boundary with Sheds 3 & 4, where

Department of Conservation Code of conduct for Minimising Acoustic Disturbance to Marine Mammals from Seismic Survey Operations 2013

as those between 30 and 180 kHz. page 132013 Code of Conduct for Minimising Acoustic Disturbance to Marine Mammals 3.8.8 Acoustic source tests Seismic source tests will be subject to the relevant soft start procedures for each survey level, though the 20-minute minimum duration does not apply. Where possible, power should be built up gradually to the required test level at a rate not exceeding that of a normal soft start. Level 1 and 2 seismic source tests with a maximum

Report 2014

point (site 2) and 180 m downstream of the Cheal-B wellsite discharge point (site 3), as seen in Figure 3. The Councils ‘vegetation sweep’ sampling technique was used at the three sites to collect streambed macroinvertebrates from the unnamed tributary of the Ngaere Stream. This has provided baseline data for any future assessment of consented discharge effects from the Cheal-B wellsite on the macroinvertebrate communities of this stream. Samples were processed to provide number of taxa

Biennial report 2012-2014

TAG Oil Sidewinder production station consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.