Your search for 'rules' returned 1982 results.

A Pastoral Farm Operators Guide to writing a Freshwater Farm Plan Te Uru Kahika

actions that go beyond those requirements or industry or practice standards to properly manage the identified risk. New Actions When selecting new actions you must consider:  the significance of the risk to freshwater and freshwater ecosystems  and whether a timeframe for a specific action is a regulatory requirement (eg, a deadline required under other rules or regulations). When identifying Actions, you must also show that you

Operations and Regulatory Agenda Oct 2023

memorandum titled Changes to the duration of freshwater consents b) noted that upon Royal Ascent of the Natural and Built Environment Act, the maximum duration for "affected resource consents" related to freshwater under the Resource Management Act 1991 will be five years after the estimated date upon which relevant rules in the region's first Natural and Built Environment Plan under the Natural and Built Environment Act have legal effect c) noted the estimated date upon which such rules

TRC Technical Memorandum Water Quantity 11 August 2023

Objectives Framework The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM) requires the Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) to set environmental flow and levels for all of the region’s waterways (Figure 1). Environmental flows and levels must be set as rules in plans. A flow can be considered the quantity, variability, flow, duration and timing of flows or water levels to give effect to Te Mana o te Wai, the long-term visions and outcomes set by the community and tangata whenua (MfE,

Record of Meeting Primary Industry Special Interest Group Workshop 4 April 2022

waterway above other needs? page Prioritising health of the waterway Key themes from participant feedback are noted below: Rules that priortise waterway health over economic gain would give effect to the hierarchy. For example rules would restrict or remove harmful discharges to water; rules that ensure suitable waterflow (to protect ecology); rules that consider climate change; and rules that give priority to restoring the mouri of the awa would be prioritised. Waterways

Form No 520 Certificate of Compliance v2

page 07/23- #650412 Page 5 of 8 4.4 State the relevant regional plan[s] and rule[s] numbers this application falls under. Regional Fresh Water Plan  Rule Number[s] ___________________________________ Regional Air Quality Plan  Rule Number[s] ___________________________________ Regional Coastal Plan  Rule Number[s] ___________________________________ Regional Soil Plan  Rule Number[s] ___________________________________ No Specific Rule  [eg,

Form No 520 Certificate of Compliance

page 07/23- #650412 Page 5 of 8 4.4 State the relevant regional plan[s] and rule[s] numbers this application falls under. Regional Fresh Water Plan  Rule Number[s] ___________________________________ Regional Air Quality Plan  Rule Number[s] ___________________________________ Regional Coastal Plan  Rule Number[s] ___________________________________ Regional Soil Plan  Rule Number[s] ___________________________________ No Specific Rule  [eg,

New Zealand Energy Corporation DWI Annual Report 2022-2023

the RMA to assess the effects of the exercise of consents. In accordance with Section 35 of the RMA, the Council undertakes compliance monitoring for consents and rules in regional plans, and maintains an overview of the performance of resource users and consent holders. Compliance monitoring, including both activity and impact monitoring, enables the Council to continually re-evaluate its approach and that of consent holders to resource management and, ultimately, through the refinement of

Cheal Petroleum Ltd Cheal Production Station Annual Report 2022-2023

permits, and in implementing monitoring programmes, the Council is recognising the comprehensive meaning of ‘effects’ in as much as is appropriate for each page 2 activity. Monitoring programmes are not only based on existing permit conditions, but also on the obligations of the RMA to assess the effects of the exercise of consents. In accordance with Section 35 of the RMA, the Council undertakes compliance monitoring for consents and rules in regional plans, and maintains an