Regional Council
Mr C Woollin Taranaki Regional Council zoom
Mr G Roper New Zealand Police
Mr A Gurney New Zealand Police
Apologies Apologies were received from Councillor D N MacLeod and Ms L
Stewart, Waka Kotahi.
Notification of Councillor M J Cloke – SH3 Project List Presentation.
Late Items
1. Confirmation of Minutes – 1 June 2022
That the Taranaki Regional Transport Committee:
a) takes as read and
Both exotic and native forest plantation play an important part in soil conservation in the Taranaki region. About half of the 27, 278 hectares of exotic forestry in the region is established on erosion-prone land (14, 738 hectares). Forestry as a sustainable solution
Where land is suitable for growth and harvest, the Council advocates converting steep, erodible land to forestry. We can provide free Agroforestry Plans to farmers interested in establishing plantation forestry. These plans can
Venture Taranaki
S Nutulapati Waka Kotahi (joined meeting at 2.08pm)
Apologies: Were received and sustained from, M J Cloke -Taranaki Regional Council and H
Duynhoven - New Plymouth District Council.
One member of the public in attendance.
1. Confirmation of Minutes Regional Transport Committee – 6 September 2023
That the Taranaki Regional Transport Committee:
a) took as read and confirmed the minutes of the
Ms S Downs Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Ms L Stewart Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Mr S Bowden Stratford District Council
Mr S Knarsten New Plymouth District Council
Ms F Ritson Taranaki Regional Council
Mr A Wongtoo New Zealand Police
Mrs M Jones Taranaki Regional Council
Apologies Apologies were received from R Leitao, E Borrows and L Hawkins.
1. Confirmation of Minutes Regional
Downs Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Mr S Bowden Stratford District Council
Mr R Leitao New Plymouth District Council
Mr V Lim South Taranaki District Council
Mr R Broad AA Taranaki
Miss R Sweeney Taranaki Regional Council
Ms K Humphrey Taranaki Regional Council zoom
Ms F Ritson Taranaki Regional Council
Mr G Roper New Zealand Police
One member of the media.
Apologies Apologies were received from Mayor P Nixon, South
Ms C Gazley Taranaki Regional Council
Ms L Hawkins Taranaki Regional Council (left meeting at 11.30)
Ms M Addy New Plymouth District Council
Ms N Wiseman New Plymouth District Council
Mr B Clough Taranaki Regional Council
Zoom Vinuka Nanayakka Waka Kotahi
3 Members of the Public Attended
1. Confirmation of Minutes Regional Transport Committee – 1 March 2023
That the
environment. Living up to its name, the Green School near Ōākura has embarked on a number of environmental projects over the last three years. Tamariki and teachers have planted 48,000 eco-sourced native plants on campus, providing new habitats for native plants and improved the connectivity to the Kaitake Range while helping soil stability and carbon sequestration. The school has worked with Taranaki Regional Council on a Biodiversity Plan for a Key Native Ecosystem it manages including controlling weeds
Region: An inventory of regionally significant unprotected and protected wetlands”, Taranaki Regional Council (1997).
Wetland Area Ecological values Other natural and amenity values
Mangawhio Lake Scenic Reserve 22 ha Tawa – podocarp forest.
Spotless crake.
Lake with moderate to steep bush covered shoreline.
Mataru Scenic Reserve 13.9 ha High diversity of Plant species including kahikatea, and manuka. Area
Almost 14 years of lobbying by the SH3 Working Group has resulted in a Government allocation of accelerated funding for three major works on the route, including bypasses of Mount Messenger and the Awakino tunnel. The Taranaki Regional Council established the State Highway 3 Working Group in 2002 in response to ongoing concerns about the route security, safety and efficiency of the SH3 between Taranaki and Waikato. The group includes representatives from: Taranaki Regional Council
consents held by a number of cleanfill
operators (Table 1). The cleanfills are situated at various locations throughout the Taranaki region (Figure 1).
The report includes the results and findings of the monitoring programme implemented by the Council with
respect to the consents held by the cleanfills that relate to land use, discharges of contaminants into and
onto land, and to water. This report is the 17th annual report to be prepared by the Council for cleanfills in
the region.