2015/2016 was completed during
2014/2015. Projects with clear benefit to Taranaki were identified
by Council staff and successfully advocated for: a review of a
national High Intensity Rainfall Design System (with benefits for
hydrology, river engineering and civil defence response), and
development of Discrete Water Quality Sampling Standards (SEM
and Policy/NPS-FW implementation benefits). The Envirolink
process for soliciting projects for funding in 2016/2017 has been
STDC Kaponga Manaia Patea and Waverley WWTPs Annual Report 2022-2023
1987). The climate is generally
mild, with relatively high humidity and fairly high, evenly distributed annual rainfall .
Soils are volcanic and varied, and include deep ash soils, well-drained alluvial soils
along rivers, and sandy soils near the coast. Slopes within the broader landscape
around the potentially affected sites range from gently undulating to strongly
rolling. The Waiwhakaiho River is a narrow, single channel river, typically 10-m to
30-m wide, set within a
Policy & Planning Committee agenda June 2021
rainfall events to ensure that they
were working appropriately.
27 February 2014
Inspection was carried out during an extended period of dry weather. Earthworks
were being undertaken on-site with works on both the access track and drilling pad
underway. No metal had yet been imported to the site, however it was anticipated
that metal would be brought onto site within the next week. The first culvert on the
access track was installed earlier in the day with earthworks continuing about the
Ordinary Council Agenda Sept web v2
9 September 2019
Kaimiro Production Station:
The oily water separator appeared to working normally and the bund valves were open to release
stormwater following recent rainfall (this stormwater is released onto site). It was noted that there was
ponding in the ring drains, particularly the drain along the southern boundary. It appeared that the rock
weirs were working effectively to capture and control sediment, however a side effect of this is that
sediment was blocking the …
any stormwater treated in accordance with a finalised
Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan that has been approved by the Chief Executive,
Taranaki Regional Council, acting in a certification capacity. This finalised plan shall
conform to the Waikato Regional Council’s Guidelines for Soil Disturbing Activities and
shall detail methodology/ design of stormwater drainage from the cleanfill, and
maintenance of sediment control practices, with a specific focus on rainfall events.
14. This
SDC Stratford WWTP Annual Report 2020-2021
Policy & Planning Committee agenda April 2021