Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1264 results.

Origin Energy NZ Ltd Rimu pipeline leak, October 2010: Cause, remediation & learning points

mobilised a cleanup crew, machinery and equipment. Spill booms and hay bales were put in place to contain the spill and the Oscar unit from the Port Taranaki storage site was also mobilised. 2.6 Mr Steele first noticed an irregularity with the unnamed tributary a week prior but assumed it to be discolouration due to heavy rainfall until viewing it again on the 8th October. 2.7 The leak was notified to Ngati Ruanui Iwi, under the OENZ spill notification procedure, at 4.10 pm on 8th October

Annual report 2014-2015

rainfall for the site is 1,043 mm (taken from the nearby ‘Patea’ monitoring station). As with the other South Taranaki coastal sites, the Geary site is subject to strong winds. Site data Location Word descriptor: Geary Road, Manutahi, Taranaki Map reference: E 1718754 (NZTM) N 5606372 Mean annual rainfall: 1,043 mm Mean annual soil temperature: ~15.1°C Mean annual soil moisture: ~32.9% Elevation: ~40 m Geomorphic position: Cliffed coast / dune

Herd Properties Limited

about discharge of dust from the site. New Zealand Police were also notified of the dust discharges due to the reduced visibility that motorists were experiencing when commuting past the site. [33] In response to the complaints, a Council Enforcement Officer undertook an inspection of the site. A series of photographs and videos were taken by Council Enforcement Officers and complainants. At the time of the inspection the weather was clear, with no rainfall and a medium

Osflo Fertiliser monitoring report 2017-2018

to get the roof and wall fixed. This was proposed to be finalised later that week and the biolfilter by a week later. Onsite there was noticeable odour, however not objectionable. Fuel systems were observed and found to be satisfactory. The yard was clear as far as practicable at the time of observation, though the concrete padding was showing signs of wear. Recent rainfall events had caused the area to the south west of the main storage building to be quite muddy under foot. At the

MR2018 OsfloFertiliser

to get the roof and wall fixed. This was proposed to be finalised later that week and the biolfilter by a week later. Onsite there was noticeable odour, however not objectionable. Fuel systems were observed and found to be satisfactory. The yard was clear as far as practicable at the time of observation, though the concrete padding was showing signs of wear. Recent rainfall events had caused the area to the south west of the main storage building to be quite muddy under foot. At the

Quarterly Operational Report December 2017

relevance and benefit to Taranaki to be adopted by "Envirolink" and other funding opportunities (advocacy to be reported through Council's annual report processes). Envirolink projects encompassing a High Intensity Rainfall Design System, Discrete Water Quality Sampling Standards, farm scale soil mapping and applications, aquatic weeds management, assessment criteria for fish passage and barrier mitigation options, a review of the scientific basis for marine recreational