Your search for 'wastewater' returned 1065 results.

Annual report 2012-2013

operates a natural gut processing plant located on SH45 west of Manaia, in the Kaupokonui River catchment. The Company holds a resource consent to allow it to discharge wastewater directly into the Tasman Sea. This report for the period July 2012-June 2013 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council to assess the Company’s environmental performance during the period under review, and the results and effects of the Company’s activities. The resource consent

Concrete plants consent monitoring report 2018-2019

operation involves mixing of cement, aggregate, water and additives in concrete mixing trucks for delivery to end users, and recently it has been used only as a satellite plant. The site is also used for the storage of aggregate, sand and builders mix for retail sale. Firth Industries holds one resource consent, which includes a total of seven conditions setting out the requirements that they must satisfy. The consent allows for the discharge of treated wastewater onto and into land and into an

Biennial report 2012-2014

abstraction data. In September 2012, the Company commissioned a 20.7 ha extension of the irrigation area, and a further extension of 6.0 ha became operational in January 2013. Both areas were already covered by resource consent. This voluntary action, for which the Company was given an Environmental Award by Council, increased the area irrigated for wastewater disposal by 36% to 110.5 ha to provide for increased production at the meat processing plant and to lower nitrogen loadings. Irrigation of

Annual report 2015-2016

requirements that they must satisfy, whilst the renewed consent includes 10 conditions. The consent allows for the discharge of wastewater into an unnamed tributary of the Waitara River. During the year under review, Allied Concrete demonstrated an overall high level of environmental performance. Firth Industries is a division of Fletcher Concrete and Infrastructure Limited is hereafter referred to as Firth Industries. They operate a concrete batching plant located on Glover Road, Hawera in the

Annual report 2014-2015

resulted in reduced suspended solids loadings and lessened the turbidity impact on the Kurapete Stream at all times during the monitoring year, with effects on the receiving environment of the Kurapete Stream generally found to be insignificant (with minimal re- suspension of fine sediment in the receiving water tributary). Previous reconfiguration of the combined washwater and quarry pit stormwater/groundwater treatment ponds system resulted in compliance with wastewater discharge conditions on

TRC Technical Memorandum Nutrients rivers 11 August 2023

Ammoniacal forms of nitrogen enter waterways primarily through point source discharges, such as wastewater or dairy shed effluent. It is toxic to aquatic life at high concentrations. Nitrate (toxicity) Nitrate is the concentration of nitrogen present in the form of the nitrate ion. Nitrate is a water soluble molecule made up of nitrogen and oxygen with the chemical formula NO3. It is a very important plant nutrient but because of its high water-solubility, it leaches readily through

Outfall ecological report 2011-2013

Waitara Marine Outfall, which discharges approximately 1250 m offshore from the mouth of the Waitara River into the Tasman Sea. The outfall provides for the disposal of wastewater from the Waitara municipal sewage reticulation system, along with Methanex Waitara Valley and Methanex Motunui Limited methanol plants. The outfall was previously managed by the Waitara Outfall Management Board (WOMB), made up of NPDC, Methanex and Anzco Foods Waitara Limited. In 2010, NPDC took over sole management

Annual report 2012-2013

Kurapete Stream at all times during the monitoring year, with effects on the receiving environment of the Kurapete Stream generally found to be insignificant (with minimal re-suspension of fine sediment in the receiving water tributary). Previous reconfiguration of the combined washwater and quarry pit stormwater/groundwater treatment ponds system resulted in compliance with wastewater discharge conditions on all occasions. Minimal impacts on the biological community of the stream were found

RKM Farms monitoring report 2018-2019

level of environmental performance. The Council’s monitoring programme for the year under review included three inspections and the collection of two wastewater and receiving water samples collected for physicochemical analysis. The monitoring showed that the wastewater and receiving water samples were well within the consented limits. During the year, the Company demonstrated a high level of environmental and administrative performance with the resource consents. No

Annual report 2014-2015

consents relating to the Aquatic Centre, which include a total of thirteen special conditions that the NPDC must satisfy. One consent allows NPDC to discharge swimming pool wastewater into the Tasman Sea, and the other allows it to erect, place, use and maintain a discharge pipe at the site. The Council’s monitoring programme for the year under review included one site inspection, two marine ecological inspections, one discharge sample and one receiving water sample collected for