Your search for 'wastewater' returned 1065 results.

Policy & Planning agenda April 2019

sewage to the CMA but would continue to provide for existing wastewater discharges (subject to a consenting process). Council officers have undertaken further engagement with the district councils to explore the implications of this approach. Any new discharges would have to be discharged to land.  Seismic surveying rule: the Proposed Plan included a permitted activity rule for seismic testing. A submitter identified that there are possible adverse effects towards the little blue penguin

Annual report 2016-2017

Condition 4 requires a sampling chamber be installed in the treated stormwater discharge line prior to the outfall. Condition 5 requires the stormwater layout and discharge points be provided to the Chief Executive prior to construction. Condition 6 requires the consent holder to supply specifications of the works to the Chief Executive prior to the exercise of the consent. Condition 7 requires the appointment of a suitable wastewater operator on the site. Condition 8 imposes

Report 2012-2014

Periphyton (algae) state of the environment monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.