Your search for 'riparian' returned 992 results.


Item 7 98 Submission on the Awakino Gorge to Mt Messenger Programme: Community Consultation on Options Summary Booklet Item 8 119 Riparian management and ecosystem services - PhD thesis studies by Fleur Maseyk Ordinary Meeting Monday 20 February 2017 - Agenda 2 page Item 9 135 External Appointment to Policy and Planning Committee 2016-2019 Item 10 137 Appointment of TRC Trustee to Dairy Trust Taranaki Item 11

Ballance Agri Nutrients Kapuni Ltd Annual Report 2021-2022

Council’s monitoring programme included four inspections, physicochemical analysis of two stream samples, one stormwater/discharge sample, two effluent grab samples, two composite effluent samples, and two groundwater samples, two air quality surveys and one depositional gauging. Abstraction volumes from Waingongoro River complied with the consent limit. A contribution of $30,000 towards riparian planting and management in Waingongoro catchment was made, the last of ten annual payments required

Remediation hearing - applicant's evidence - expert evidence (applicant)

and the significance of that change to the issues of concern to the submitters; Describe concerns re the odour issue and the limited number of verified complaints over the last ten years; Describe the further operational changes and steps to manage odour including controlling cold air drainage from the site; page Describe improvements to the stream margins and native planting; Address future improvements in the site, including: (a) Further riparian

Small stream modification in Taranaki

buffering of summer low- flows and the recharging of groundwater. The riparian zone of such streams (and the stream channel itself) provides important functions such as trapping sediments, recycling nutrients and filtering pollution from fertilisers and animal waste. Analysis of relevant literature, and the fish and macroinvertebrate data available on the Councils database, indicate that in Taranaki, small streams provide important fish habitat, and higher altitude small streams that are mountain

Appendix 1A: Catchments with high natural, ecological and amenity values

access for fish to National Park. Very popular and highly valued angling river. High native fish diversity and presence of threatened species. Upper and middle reaches very highly rated for aesthetic and scenic values. Median flow of 3500l/s at Mangatete Bridge. Steep gradients in upper and mid reaches with significant water movement and many rapids. Water quantity and movement contributes significantly to wild and scenic character. 39% total riparian cover, upper reaches

Policy & Planning agenda April 2018

Item Page Subject Item 1 4 Confirmation of Minutes Item 2 11 New Zealanders' views of the primary sector Item 3 30 NIWA Study of riparian management and freshwater health, quality and swimmability in Taranaki Item 4 103 LAWA: Release of analysis of water quality trends at national and regional level Item 5 110 Regional plan alignment with National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry Item 6 119 Interim review of the efficiency and effectiveness of the Regional

Policy & Planning agenda June 2021

NES-F requirements (including Te Mana o te Wai – see discussion below);  increased regulation for some activities (including new consenting requirements for activities previously allowed under the RMA or through regional rules);  significantly increased investigations and monitoring; and  major changes to our non-regulatory programmes (including the riparian management programme and sustainable land management programmes). The Essential Freshwater package also requires

Recount 105 - June 2017 Am I putting my and neighbour atself s risk with my riparian planting? No. All the pōhutukawa, mānuka and kānuka at our depots were inspected and sprayed. Apart from the one single pōhutukawa at Lepperton, no myrtle rust was found. The Ministry for Primary Industries, which has been managing the response to myrtle rust, was satisfied the rest of the plants posed no risk, and allowed their distribution. Riparian plants: All systems go Taranaki’s world-leading

Appendix 1:River and stream catchments of high quality or high value

Upper and middle reaches very highly rated for aesthetic and scenic values. Median flow of 3500l/s at Mangatete Bridge. Steep gradients in upper and mid reaches with significant water movement and many rapids. Water quantity and movement contributes significantly to wild and scenic character. 39% total riparian cover, upper reaches mostly indigenous, middle reaches mixed vegetation, exotic trees and pasture, lower reaches barren or introduced grasses and weeds.

A Pastoral Farm Operators Guide to writing a Freshwater Farm Plan Te Uru Kahika

on the LU to minimise stock induced soil damage. High risk of slips during rain events on the steeper slopes contributing sediment into waterways. Medium risk grazing animals creating sediment loss through pugging and run off. High risk Sediment contains nutrients and pathogens. Water bodies Stock exclusion Riparian management Temporary fences are installed to keep stock out of waterways when intermittent streams are flowing. Medium