Your search for 'forms' returned 2249 results.

MataurangaMaori web

natural form and character, mahinga kai, fishing, irrigation and food production, animal drinking water, wāhi tapu, water supply, commercial and industrial use, hydro-electric power generation, transport and tauranga waka. Attributes for these values are categorised into four states, A, B, C or D, reflecting different levels from A-excellent to D- unacceptable. D is the attribute that falls below the national bottom line and the NPS-FM requires that the freshwater management unit is

Case law x 7

resource consents must demonstrably contribute towards the purpose of the Act. NZRMA 375 at [117]. 44 Batchelor v Tauranga District Council (No 2) [1993] 2 NZLR 84 (HC) at 89. 45 (15 December 1992) 532 NZPD 13179. 46 Ministry for the Environment Departmental Report on the Resource Management Reform Bill 2012 (April 2013). 47 At 82. page 295 Court of Appeal (Cooper J) [2018] [38] This reform found its way into the forms provided in the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure)

Application attachment Proposed Conditions x 14 Consents Manawa Energy 14 February 2023

devices shall be telemetered and report the data electronically to the Chief Executive once per day, and shall include the rainfall data at hourly intervals from the station established at the Mangaotea Road culvert. A land use consent for the damming of the Mako Stream via an existing dam structure to form Lake Ratapiko for hydro-electric power generation purposes, including the service and auxiliary spillway structures page Trustpower – Proposed Conditions

SDC Stratford WWTP Annual Report 2020-2021

evidence that leachate from the closed Stratford landfill site had negatively affected macroinvertebrate communities. Copies of the biomonitoring reports are available from Council upon request. 2.3.3 Periphyton biomass Periphyton is the layer of slime that can form on stream beds and on submerged objects. It consists of a mixture of algae and cyanobacteria that naturally occurs in rivers and streams. It plays a fundamental role in stream ecosystem functioning by utilising sunlight via

Christian James McDean's evidence

Policy Statement (RPS), AQU Policy 3, which states: ‘Land use and subdivision should be managed to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects on people and the environment from reverse sensitivity effects arising from the inappropriate location of sensitive activities in proximity to legitimate activities discharging contaminants to air.’ 3.26 It is my opinion that this paragraph should form part of the statutory assessment by the commissioners,

Introduction and explanation of the regional rules updated Oct 2023

Environment Court for determination. d) If the discharge is found to be offensive or objectionable, then enforcement action may be taken. This could be in the form of an abatement notice, infringement notice, enforcement order or prosecution, pursuant to the Resource Management Act 1991. In the case of a permitted activity, failure to comply with the conditions would also mean that the activity was no longer permitted, and would thus require a resource consent application to be


and passengers. Wharf and jetty sites are often good repositories of artefacts. Archaeological remains can include artefact deposits on the seabed, as well as structural elements of construction and repair over the duration of its use. They accumulate items dropped over the side over the duration of the life of the structure in much the same way as archaeological deposits form over time on land. Distribution of artefactual material is likely to be concentrated towards the seaward end of

Archaeological Scoping Study

and passengers. Wharf and jetty sites are often good repositories of artefacts. Archaeological remains can include artefact deposits on the seabed, as well as structural elements of construction and repair over the duration of its use. They accumulate items dropped over the side over the duration of the life of the structure in much the same way as archaeological deposits form over time on land. Distribution of artefactual material is likely to be concentrated towards the seaward end of

Pukeiti newsletter and plant list February 2018

page Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust Inc. NEWSLETTER February 2018 VOLUME 67 NO.1 2018: The Developments Take Effect. PL ANT LIST AND ORDER FORM WORKING BEE DATES & OTHER MEMBER ACTIVITIES inside The Lodge takes shape - a view from The Misty Knoll Often people ask – “What is the best time to visit Pukeiti?” or “When are the rhododendrons at their peak?” Having questioned visitors on their impressions of Pukeiti, during January, in a month