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STDC Kaponga Manaia Patea and Waverley WWTPs Annual Report 2022-2023

the Council was not required to undertake significant additional investigations and interventions, or record incidents, in association with STDC’s conditions in resource consents or provisions in Regional Plans for the Kaponga WWTP. Figure 2 Biomonitoring sites in the Kaupokonui River in relation to the Kaponga WWTP discharge with taxa number, MCI scores and SQMCI scores for each site page 16 Discussion 2.5.1 Discussion of site performance The Kaponga

Lower Waiwhakaiho Annual Report 2020-2021

the Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such as contingency plans and water take data) in accordance with consent conditions. Events that were beyond the control of the consent holder and unforeseeable (that is a defence under the provisions of the RMA can be established) may be excluded with regard to the performance rating applied. For example loss of data due to a flood

Yarrow Stadium project FAQs

rugby including a number of top nights when the All Blacks came to Taranaki but also NRL league games, FIFA Under-20 World Cup and Phoenix football matches and motorsport events. Why not just use the planned Multi-Sport Hub? We think there’s room for a range of high quality sports venues across our region. Yarrow Stadium will be the premier regional sports venue while the Multi-Sport Hub planned for Pukekura Raceway will provide a home for community level sports. Both projects will be complementary

STDC Hawera Municipal Oxidation Ponds 2020-2021

with STDC’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such as contingency plans and water take data) in accordance with consent conditions. Events that were beyond the control of the consent holder and unforeseeable (that is a defence under the provisions of the RMA can be established) may be excluded with regard to the performance rating applied. For example loss of data due to a flood

Fish passage and structures in rivers rules

customary fishing practices. Resource consents are now required for new structures in rivers that do not comply with permitted activity standards for fish passage under the NES-FW. New instream structures which need a resource consent must meet minimum maintenance and monitoring requirements. If a structure is replaced (you swap out a culvert) then the NES-FW comes in to effect, so you must meet the requirements of the NES-FW and the Regional Freshwater Plan for Taranaki. When installing a structure in a

Todd Energy Aquatic Centre Annual Report 2021-2022

backwash wastewater Condition requirement Means of monitoring during period under review Compliance achieved? 7. Chlorine concentration limit beyond mixing zone Samples collected Yes 8. Discharge to occur within two hours of high tide Inspection Yes 9. Contingency plan Plan reviewed in June 2016 Yes 10. Option for review of consent Requested in June 2022 N/A Overall assessment of consent compliance and environmental performance in respect of this consent Overall

McKechnie Aluminium Annual Report 2021-2022

6. Implementation and review of a contingency plan MASL Environmental Management Manual includes contingency plan Yes 7. Maintenance of a stormwater management plan Updated Stormwater Management Plan received September 2016 Yes 8. Notification

STDC landfills monitoring 2020-2021

to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such as contingency plans and water take data) in accordance with consent conditions. Events that were beyond the control of the consent holder and unforeseeable (that is a defence under the provisions of the RMA can be established) may be excluded with regard to the performance rating applied. For example loss of data due to a flood destroying deployed field

Taranaki Lifelines Vulnerability Study Oct 2018

Taranaki operation will disrupt fuel supply.  There are also many scenarios outside the region that can affect fuel supply (Marsden Refinery outage, international supply disruptions, etc).  A regional fuel contingency plan is being prepared to outline how fuel shortages would be managed. Transport Key Critical Infrastructure Facts Hazard Vulnerabilities  Taranaki’s road network includes several places where critical routes and bridges have limited

Manawa Energy Motukawa HEP Scheme Annual Report 2021-2022

for this purpose. Following on from recommendations in previous monitoring reports, trout were captured at the head of the true right bank fish pass during the autumn and early winter of 2016 and tagged. The trapping was reported in the 2015- 2016 monitoring report (TRC, 2016), while any tag returns, where fisherman report catching tagged fish, will be documented in subsequent reports. A provisional fish survey was planned to be carried out during the current monitoring period, however, it