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Annual report 2015-2016

recommendations to be implemented in the 2016-2017 monitoring year. A glossary of common abbreviations and scientific terms, and a bibliography, are presented at the end of the report. 1.1.3 The Resource Management Act 1991 and monitoring The RMA primarily addresses environmental ‘effects’ which are defined as positive or adverse, temporary or permanent, past, present or future, or cumulative. Effects may arise in relation to: (a) the neighbourhood or the wider community around an

Annual report 2015-2016

or adverse, temporary or permanent, past, present or future, or cumulative. Effects may arise in relation to: (a) the neighbourhood or the wider community around an activity, and may include cultural and social-economic effects; (b) physical effects on the locality, including landscape, amenity and visual effects; (c) ecosystems, including effects on plants, animals, or habitats, whether aquatic or terrestrial; page 2 (d) natural and physical resources having

Annual report 2014-2015

temporary or permanent, past, present or future, or cumulative. Effects may arise in relation to: (a) the neighbourhood or the wider community around an activity, and may include cultural and social-economic effects; (b) physical effects on the locality, including landscape, amenity and visual effects; (c) ecosystems, including effects on plants, animals, or habitats, whether aquatic or terrestrial; page 2 (d) natural and physical resources having special

Northern regional quarries combined consent monitoring 2016-2018

considered. The following resources are found at the end of this report: • a glossary of common abbreviations and scientific terms • a bibliography • resource consents • and biomonitoring reports 1.1.3 The Resource Management Act 1991 and monitoring The RMA primarily addresses environmental ‘effects’ which are defined as positive or adverse, temporary or permanent, past, present or future, or cumulative. Effects may arise in relation to: a. the neighbourhood or the wider community

Todd deep well injection monitoring 2019-2020

the wider community around an activity, and may include cultural and social- economic effects; b. physical effects on the locality, including landscape, amenity and visual effects; c. ecosystems, including effects on plants, animals, or habitats, whether aquatic or terrestrial; d. natural and physical resources having special significance (for example recreational, cultural, or aesthetic); and e. risks to the neighbourhood or environment. In drafting and reviewing conditions on …

Greymouth Petroleum DWI monitoring 2018-2019

common abbreviations and scientific terms, and a bibliography, are presented at the end of the report. page 2 1.1.3 The Resource Management Act 1991 and monitoring The RMA primarily addresses environmental ‘effects’ which are defined as positive or adverse, temporary or permanent, past, present or future, or cumulative. Effects may arise in relation to: a. the neighbourhood or the wider community around an activity, and may include cultural and social- economic

Annual report 2015-2016

in the 2016-2017 monitoring year. A glossary of common abbreviations and scientific terms, and a bibliography, are presented at the end of the report. page 2 1.1.3 The Resource Management Act 1991 and monitoring The RMA primarily addresses environmental ‘effects’ which are defined as positive or adverse, temporary or permanent, past, present or future, or cumulative. Effects may arise in relation to: (a) the neighbourhood or the wider community

Annual report 2013-2014

future, or cumulative. Effects may arise in relation to: (a) the neighbourhood or the wider community around a discharger, and may include cultural and socio-economic effects; (b) physical effects on the locality, including landscape, amenity and visual effects; (c) ecosystems, including effects on plants, animals, or habitats, whether aquatic or terrestrial; (d) natural and physical resources having special significance (e.g., recreational, cultural, or aesthetic); and (e) risks to

Waitaha catchment consent monitoring 2018-2019

adverse, temporary or permanent, past, present or future, or cumulative. Effects may arise in relation to: a. the neighbourhood or the wider community around an activity, and may include cultural and social- economic effects; b. physical effects on the locality, including landscape, amenity and visual effects; c. ecosystems, including effects on plants, animals, or habitats, whether aquatic or terrestrial; d. natural and physical resources having special significance (for example

Greymouth Petroleum deep well injection consent monitoring 2017-2018

or future, or cumulative. Effects may arise in relation to: a. the neighbourhood or the wider community around an activity, and may include cultural and social- economic effects; b. physical effects on the locality, including landscape, amenity and visual effects; c. ecosystems, including effects on plants, animals, or habitats, whether aquatic or terrestrial; page 2 d. natural and physical resources having special significance (for example recreational, cultural,