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Report 2011-2013

The Council’s monitoring programme for the period under review included 29 inspections of the site and surrounding environment, at approximately fortnightly intervals. The monitoring showed that, in general, good processes and procedures were implemented. A strong focus on the environment by all personnel ensured that the site was mostly clean and tidy. Any spills on-site were quickly cleaned up to avoid the potential for a contaminant to travel to surface water. The site’s stormwater

Marfell Park environmental investigation

the area in the vicinity of the old and new manhole had only been partially reinstated, with a partially backfilled hole remaining. A pile of imported clean fill was beside the excavation to be used to complete reinstatement of the area (photographs 4 and 5). Samples from the surface of the stormwater trench backfill were collected down the middle of the trench line (pointed out on site by Scott of Drainage Plus) at equally-spaced intervals. Six sub-samples were

TRC Patea Catchment FMU Consultation Document September 2023

sustainable harvest of mahinga kai, rongoa and fish; 8. Lake Rotorangi is maintained in an excellent state for human contact and other water bodies, in particular primary contact sites, are safe for swimming, mahinga kai and other customary and recreational purposes; and 9. hydro-electric power generation at the Pātea Dam provides clean and renewable energy while ensuring that environmental and community values continue to be provided for and improved; by the year (date tbc).

Land management study unit

gravel. Have enough large beakers for each group of three students. Method Half fill the beaker with water • Add a teaspoon of each particle source from the ice-cream containers. • Stir the mixture in the beaker. • Store the beaker in a safe place and allow the mixture to settle. Ask the pupils to predict what they think will happen to the material in the beaker. Encourage them to consider: - What will it look like? How long will it

Mangati Catchment Joint Annual Report 2022-2023

water to the Mangati Stream 17 Dec 2015 June 2026 1 June 2032 Greymouth Petroleum Acquisitions Company Limited 4664-3.1 To discharge treated stormwater from a pipe yard used for the cleaning and storage of casing and drilling equipment, and the storage of hazardous substances, onto and into land in circumstances where it may enter the Mangati Stream 6 Aug 2020 - 1 June 2026 J Swap Contractors Limited 10085-1 To discharge stormwater from a transport depot into an unnamed

Fonterra Whareroa Annual Report 2022-2023

processing and manufacturing dairy products, cleaning of plant, cooling, domestic use and for a co-generation plant Nov 2017 June 2026 June 2052 Water discharge permits 1450-3.1 To discharge all wastewater from dairy factory processes and associated processes undertaken at the Whareroa dairy processing site through a marine outfall into the Tasman Sea Nov 2017 June 2026 June 2052 3902-3 To discharge stormwater from the Whareroa milk processing site into an unnamed

Freshwater biosecurity

Clean all gear when moving between waterways. Advice for specific freshwater user groups Select the relevent category/ies: Boaties (including kayakers and waka crew) Ensure you Check, Clean, Dry all wetted surfaces, internal and external. Pay special attention to pumps and bilges, equipment wells, matting, motors and trailers. Boat ramps can be high-risk areas for aquatic weeds, so ensure you check trailers too. Anglers and whitebaiters Pay special attention to waders (no felt soles), nets, wet

Freshwater biosecurity

Clean all gear when moving between waterways. Advice for specific freshwater user groups Select the relevent category/ies: Boaties (including kayakers and waka crew) Ensure you Check, Clean, Dry all wetted surfaces, internal and external. Pay special attention to pumps and bilges, equipment wells, matting, motors and trailers. Boat ramps can be high-risk areas for aquatic weeds, so ensure you check trailers too. Anglers and whitebaiters Pay special attention to waders (no felt soles), nets, wet

Northern regional quarries combined consent monitoring 2016-2018

15(1)(b) and (d) of the RMA stipulate that no person may discharge any contaminant onto land if it may then enter water, or from any industrial or trade premises onto land under any circumstances, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent, a rule in a regional plan, or by national regulations. The Council permits as of right, some discharges to land (for example clean sand or soil or concrete to land, as occurs during re-instatement). Most other discharges require a