Your search for 'Wetland' returned 991 results.

Remediation NZ Ltd consent monitoring 2019-2020

Process description 3 1.3 Resource consents 5 1.3.1 Introduction 6 1.3.2 Programme liaison and management 6 1.3.3 Site inspections 6 1.3.4 Chemical sampling 6 1.3.5 Biomonitoring survey 8 2 Results 13 2.1 Inspections 13 2.2 Results of discharge monitoring 30 2.2.1 Surface water monitoring – Wetland treatment system discharge 30 2.2.2 Surface water monitoring – HHG000103 post mixing zone 30 2.2.3 Surface water monitoring of the Haehanga Stream and associated …

Annual report 2012-2013

Opunake Beach and Middleton Bay). The monitoring showed that no operational problems were associated with this wastewater treatment scheme during the monitoring period. No overland flow from the wetland area and minimal overflows from the trench disposal system occurred, with the upgraded reticulation from the trench system operating as designed. The trend of a reduction in the use of the ocean outfall continued following sewer system stormwater infiltration reduction and the late 2006

Allerby's Bush; Cornwall Park; Fairy Forest; Fern Grove; Fisher Family Bush; George's Elephant; Green School; Inaha Stream; McColl East Bush; McKenzie Wetland; Orion's Belt; Piraunui; Te Kahu; Moeawatea; Vujcich Piakau Stream Forest; Waha o Tāne; Watatao.

kohekohe, rewarewa, hinau, podocarp forest, the balance being recently retired from farming and planted in native vegetation. The site is bordered by an unnamed tributary to the Waitara River. The forest remnant provides good connectivity to other habitat in the local area, including; small pockets of native forest, wetlands and riparian areas on adjacent farmland and along the Waitara River; the nearby Tarata Conservation Area and Taramoukou Conservation Area, and; nearby KNE's: Ouapui Forest

RKM Farms Ltd Piggery Annual Report 2021-2022

system comprises three ponds. The first pond, which is anaerobic in nature, is designed to capture the solid component of the discharge, and has an approximate holding capacity of 34,587 m³. The second and third ponds are aerobic and have capacity for 10,350 m³ and 10,800 m³, respectively. The pond treatment system has a combined capacity of approximately 55,737 m³. The discharge from the pond treatment system flows through a tertiary treatment system in the form of a wetland which is


Environment Priority 2 – Sand Dunes and Wetlands Priority 4 – Threatened Species Regional: Key Native Ecosystem Regional Ecosystem Loss: At risk 20-30% left Less reduced >50% left Protection Status: Local Government Catchment: Patea (343) General Description Patui forest remnants are located on privately owned land approximately 22 kms east of Stratford near Makahu in east Taranaki. The site

Explanation of the rules

Drainage Rule 77: Diversion of water for the purpose of land drainage Land drainage is a common activity within Taranaki. When the area to be drained is small, and the amount of water to be diverted is not great, then the effects on the environment will be minor and the activity should be permitted. The stated conditions are written to ensure that any adverse effects are avoided, remedied or mitigated. This rule excludes the diversion of water from wetlands listed in Appendix II, which is

Waitaha Catchment Annual Report 2022-2023

discharge stormwater from a chemical manufacturing complex to land via irrigation and into a wetland at the headwaters of the Waitaha Stream 14 24 Sep 2015 01 Jun 2032 Jun 2026 4021-3.0 discharge to air To discharge emissions into the air from the manufacture of formaldehyde solution and urea formaldehyde resin, together with emissions from associated activities at the plant premises 12 26 May 2015 01 Jun 2032 Jun 2026 Arxada NZ Limited 4059-5 discharge to air To

Appendix S - Assessment of cultural effects

use of water as a receiving environment for contaminants. This includes treated wastewater, even though it may be “clean”, the discharge may still be culturally unacceptable. Diluted contaminants are still contaminants, which harm the mauri and wairua of water. Application of all discharges (treated or untreated) is to be to land. Methods to achieve this include better utilisation of the engineered wetland onsite to treat contaminants and utilisation of the already consented

BMW Farms; Corbett Rd QEII Covenants; Cotebrook; Hann Bush & Kahikatea Block; Kaka Creek Bush; Lowe South Block; Mathews QEII; Mount View; Ralph Arnold; Te Huia Holdings Wetlands; Te Urenui & Pohokura Pa

The forest is in good condition with a dense mix of canopy and understory species. A common suite of indigenous species have been identified at the site, which provides good stepping-stone habitat between other forest fragments and wetlands in the area. There is no running water or wetland areas, though soil conditions are damper at the seaward ends of the fragments. Ecological Features Flora The canopy of the forest remnant is dominated by tawa,

Annual report 2013-2014

Beach and Middleton Bay). The monitoring showed that no operational problems were associated with this wastewater treatment scheme during the monitoring period. No overland flow from the wetland area and no overflows from the trench disposal system occurred, with the upgraded reticulation from the trench system operating as designed. The trend of a reduction in the use of the ocean outfall continued following sewer system stormwater infiltration reduction and the late 2006 installation of a