
View information about Taranaki on our LocalMaps, which replaces the former mapping portal, Regional Xplorer.

LocalMaps show various categories of property information, land use and natural features on photograph-based or topographical maps.

The TRC also has environmental data maps showing real-time feeds of monitoring data including rainfall, wind, air temperature, river levels and soil moisture.


Use LocalMaps to find information on various categories including property information, biodiversity, land use, resource consents, and the TRC's Proposed Coastal Plan. The LocalMaps home page has a gallery where you can select your category, or you can use its navigation panel.

LocalMaps tips

To generate a property report: Open the Property Information map, zoom in and click on a property, select 'More Actions' in the pop-up box, then select 'Generate Report'. SmartMaps Property Information Map (opens in new window)(external link)

To change mapbase type or map category: To change mapbase type (eg, from aerial photography to topographic), select 'Basemap Gallery' in the header bar (or 'More' then 'Basemap Gallery'), then select the type of map required. To change map category, select 'Switch Map' in the header bar (or 'More' then 'Switch Map').

To show map coordinates: Select 'Zoom to Point' in the header bar, select desired coordinate system, then click on the map.

Layers of information: To see all the information available on a point you have selected, click on the forward arrow in the header of the pop-up box.

Aerial photography

The aerial photographs used in LocalMaps were captured in the summer of 2011-2012. Aerial photography can be downloaded from the LINZ Data Service (opens in new window)(external link)

Download GIS data

Data can be downloaded from the Taranaki Regional Council Open Data site (opens in new window)(external link).Data can be downloaded as a shapefile for use in ArcGIS or a kml file for use on Google Earth, or as a spreadsheet. This site is operational now but still undergoing further development.

General information

Cadastral and topographic information is derived from Land Information New Zealand. CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED.

3D digital scene of Mt Taranaki, created by the GIS team.

Your feedback

We welcome your comments and queries. Please email us at