Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using your Total Mobility Card.
General Terms
- The Total Mobility scheme (the Scheme) is administered by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council). It is an alternative transport service to public transport such as buses, trains, or ferries, for people with impairments.
- By accepting and using the Total Mobility (TM) card you are agreeing to the Client Terms and Conditions of Use (Client T&Cs) set by the Council and as amended from time to time. Please read these Client T&Cs carefully before using your TM card.
- You understand that the terms and conditions of the Scheme, or eligibility criteria, may change in the future due to funding, policy or legislative changes or otherwise, including termination of the scheme in its entirety. The changes may be at any time and without prior notice. The Council will use reasonable endeavours to inform you of any changes and how they affect your use of the Scheme. The Council’s website shows the current Terms and Conditions: link)
- If you fail to adhere to these Client T&Cs, knowingly provide misleading or false information, or fail to notify the Council of any misuse, you risk cancellation of access to the Scheme and, at the discretion of Taranaki Regional Council, legal action.
- The information you provided during the assessment is used to establish eligibility for the Scheme and for statistical and research purposes which will not identify you as an individual.
- You confirm that you are a Taranaki resident who lives in the Taranaki region permanently or on a long-term basis i.e. not less than 6 months per annum.
- The application fee for a TM card is $5. Your TM card and card number are the Council’s property. They may not be copied or reproduced and may be retained by the Council at its sole discretion.
- If you have a change of circumstances, you must immediately notify the Council. The information provided by you to support your application for the Scheme affects your eligibility, this includes trip usage which exceeds the estimated usage on your application form.
- You agree to immediately return or destroy your TM card if instructed by the Council.
- The Council currently receives funding from Central Government enabling a subsidy of 75 percent of the total fare for a one way trip up to $40. The maximum contribution the Council provides for a single one way trip is $30.
- Please refer to the example below for the Total Mobility Client subsidy entitlement:
Total taxi fare Customer pays TRC pays $20 $5 $15 $30 $7.50 $22.50 $40 $10 $30 (max. subsidy reached) $50 $20 $30 (max. subsidy reached) $60 $30 $30 (max. subsidy reached) $70 $40 $30 (max. subsidy reached)
Conditions of Use
- You must be a registered TM client and your contact details must be current.
- You must not allow anyone else to use your TM card for any purpose and take all practicable steps to protect your TM card from theft or fraudulent use.
- You must notify the Council on 0800 868 662 if your TM card is stolen or damaged, or if you think someone else is using your card.
- If your TM card cannot be validated by the in-vehicle equipment, you must notify the Council on 0800 868 662. If it is ascertained by TRC that the fault is due to the in-vehicle equipment you will be able to claim a refund from the Transport Operator.
- A replacement TM card fee of $5 will apply to lost, stolen, damaged cards. Faulty cards will not incur a replacement fee.
- Until a replacement TM card is issued you will not be eligible for a subsidy and will be required to pay the full fare for your travel until you receive your new TM card.
- While your card can be used to get you to and from work, any travel during the course of your work is the responsibility of your employer and your TM card cannot be used. Nor can you use your TM card if in full residential care and the rest home provider is legally obligated to provide the transport. Nor can your TM card be used as a substitute for transport services which are the responsibility of other government agencies such as the Ministry of Education.
- You must show your TM card to the driver at the start of every trip. Failure to do so will result in being charged the full fare. Remember to retrieve your card from the driver.
- You must have your share of the fare available to pay the driver prior to taking the trip, and pay the driver before exiting the vehicle.
- You must obtain a receipt at the end of your trip and check the total matches the amount paid to the driver.
- You must remain in the vehicle for the entire duration of the trip, except where you have asked the driver to briefly wait for you (no more than 5 minutes).
- You must not ask the driver to wait more than a total of 5 minutes over the duration of a trip. Your Scheme membership may be cancelled if you fail to adhere to this condition.
- You may travel with companions providing you start and end the trip together at the same locations. You must remain in the vehicle with them for the entire trip duration.
- If sharing a ride with other TM members, all TM cards must be presented to the driver so the driver can record the number of TM members in the vehicle. The member paying for the trip should have their TM card swiped first.
- You cannot ask a driver to collect goods, or other passengers, and use your TM card to pay for the service.
- You must not leave your TM card with a driver or any other person at any time. Your TM card is your responsibility.
- Your card has an expiry date. To ensure you receive a new TM card before your current card expires you must contact the Council at least 15 working days before the expiry date. If your eligibility is reconfirmed arrangements will be made for a new card to be issued.
- Expired cards are not eligible for the subsidy and you will be required to pay the full fare until you receive your new TM card.
- If your TM card expires and you have not contacted the Council prior to the expiry, your card will be suspended in the system for a duration of 12 months. The suspension will be reviewed, and updated details will be required from you before a new card can be issued.
- If you do not contact the Council during the 12 month suspension of your TM card the card will be cancelled in the system, you will be ineligible to use the TM service and you will need to reapply.
- You must not use your TM card for services provided by a driver who is a family member or close associate. For example; if your husband or family friend is a taxi driver and you travel in their taxi, you cannot use your TM card to reduce the amount of any fare charged. If you wish to use your TM card you must use a different driver who is not a family member or close associate.
- For ‘out of region’ TM travel, contact the Council on 0800 868 662 at least 10 days in advance to discuss your requirements. You may need to be issued ‘out of region’ TM vouchers where electronic TM cards are not in use. For a list of approved Total Mobility approved operators throughout New Zealand please see our website
- You must use the TM scheme in a responsible manner including taking the most advantageous route and to minimise travel use where possible.
- Multiple transactions used for a single one way trip is not permitted. If you are identified as misusing the scheme in this way, this may result in being suspended or having your membership cancelled.
- Misconduct against a driver or vehicle may result in your Scheme membership being cancelled, and, at the sole discretion of the transport operator, legal action may be taken.
- Client feedback. If you have any concerns regarding the delivery of TM services by a transport operator that you cannot resolve by first contacting the operator, please call the Council Total Mobility team on 0800 868 662. Trip details, including the company’s name, driver or cab number, date, time and to/from locations are required where possible to allow an issue to be fully investigated.
The information provided as part of the eligibility assessment for Total Mobility will be used to establish your eligibility for the Total Mobility scheme, it may also be used for statistical and research purposes which will not identify you as an individual. This information will be accessed by employees or representatives of the Council. When required for audit purposes, information may be accessed by the agents, employees, contractors or representatives of the New Zealand Transport Agency and their auditors, or any Crown entity performing similar roles. All personal information will be held securely and protected against loss, unauthorised access or misuse.
Under the Privacy Act 2020 you have the right of access to personal information about you held for Total Mobility purposes by the Council. You are also entitled to request that information about you be corrected.
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