Keyboard users and screen reader users: After selecting an option from one of the combo boxes below, pressing Tab will take you to the timetable page.

Keyboard users and screen reader users: After selecting an option from one of the combo boxes below, pressing Tab will take you to the timetable page.

Keyboard users and screen reader users: After selecting an option from one of the combo boxes below, pressing Tab will take you to the timetable page.

Waverley to Hāwera

  • Tue
  • Thu

Live Tracking(external link)

Call Weir Bros, 06 278 5252

Waverley (Farm Source) 8:35 am (Tues) 9:00 am (Thurs)
Pātea (South Taranaki Museum) 8:50 am (Tues) 9:15 am (Thurs)
Hāwera (High St - water Tower) 9:20 am (Tues) 9:45 am (Thurs)


Map showing Southlink - Waverley-Pātea-Hāwera

Map Waverley Patea Hawera APR24 web