The Connector bus travels between Hāwera and New Plymouth with six return trips per day, Monday to Friday.

Keyboard users and screen reader users: After selecting an option from one of the combo boxes below, pressing Tab will take you to the timetable page.

Keyboard users and screen reader users: After selecting an option from one of the combo boxes below, pressing Tab will take you to the timetable page.

Keyboard users and screen reader users: After selecting an option from one of the combo boxes below, pressing Tab will take you to the timetable page.

Hāwera-New Plymouth (extending from Ōpunake first service)

With more travel options than ever, it’s now easier to plan your journey between Hāwera and New Plymouth, whether you're commuting, running errands or exploring the region. Enjoy the convenience, affordability and sustainability of public transport with the updated Connector timetable from Monday 10 February.

Ōpunake, Napier Street bus stop, Stop 9001 5:50 am - - - - -
Manaia, South Rd (opp. Library Plus) Stop 9002 6:10 am - - - - -
Hāwera Hospital Stop 9003 6:25 am 7:20 am 9:25 am 12:15 pm 3:15 pm 5:20 pm
Hāwera (High St - Water Tower) Stop 9004 6:30 am 7:25 am 9:30 am 12:20 pm 3:20 pm 5:25 pm
Waihi Rd, Normanby (Rural Direct) Stop 9005 6:37 am 7:34 am 9:37 am 12:27 pm 3:27 pm 5:34 pm
Eltham, Bath Street, Stop 9006 6:50 am 7:47 am 9:50 am 12:40 pm 3:40 pm 5:47 pm
Stratford, Cnr of Miranda & Romeo Streets 6:59 am 7:56 am 9:59 am 12:48 pm 3:48 pm 5:56 pm
Stratford, Miranda St Stop 9009 7:03 am 8:00 am 10:03 am 12:52 pm 3:52 pm 6:00 pm
Stratford, Miranda St (near 3) 7:04 am 8:02 am 10:04 am 12:53 pm 3:53 pm 6:02 pm
Midhirst (Jamieson Recovery) Stop 9010 7:07 am 8:05 am 10:07 am 12:55 pm 3:55 pm 6:05 pm
Inglewood, Moa Street Stop 9013 7:20 am 8:18 am 10:20 am 1:12 pm 4:12 pm 6:18 pm
Inglewood, Purple Dairy 7:21 am 8:19 am 10:21 am 1:13 pm 4:13 pm 6:19 pm
Egmont Village (old dairy) Stop 9014 7:25 am 8:24 am 10:25 am 1:20 pm 4:20 pm 6:24 pm
Coronation Avenue (near 192) 7:32 am 8:31 am 10:32 am 1:29 pm 4:29 pm 6:31 pm
WITT/NPBHS Stops 1042 or 1025 7:33 am 8:32 am 10:33 am 1:30 pm 4:30 pm 6:32 pm
Eliot St (near 76) 7:35 am 8:33 am 10:35 am 1:31 pm 4:31 pm 6:33 pm
Liardet St Stop 1021 7:40 am 8:39 am 10:40 am 1:35 pm 4:35 pm 6:39 pm
Egmont Street Stop 1162 7:43 am 8:45 am 10:43 am 1:38 pm 4:38 pm 6:45 pm
Taranaki Base Hospital Stop 1204 7:50 am - 10:50 am 1:45 pm 4:45 pm -

Map showing Hāwera-NP Connector

ConnectorMap web

Connector fares & Bee Card information


Bee Cards

All about Bee Card

Bee Cards are the preferred method of contactless payment. Bee cards cost $5, plus a minimum top-up of $5. The minimum recharge amount is $5. 

They can recharged on the bus (cash only). Cards can be obtained online at link), or from one of our Taranaki retailers:

  • New Plymouth i-SITE located within the Puke Ariki building on St Aubyn Street, New Plymouth | 10am-5pm daily
  • Tranzit at 15 Sunley Street, Westown | 8am-5pm Monday to Friday 
  • Bell Block Library at 88 Parklands Avenue | 9am-5pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9am-6pm Tuesday & Thursday, 9am-12pm Saturday
  • Waitara Library at 15 Queen Street | 9am-5pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9am-6pm Tuesday & Thursday, 9am-12pm Saturday
  • Stratford i-SITE inside the Stratford Library in Prospero Place | 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday, 9am-1pm Saturdays
  • South Taranaki i-SITE at 55 High Street, Hawera | 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday, 10am-3pm weekends
  • Pickering Motors Ltd at 11 Tennyson Street, Opunake | 7.30am-5pm Monday to Friday

Links and downloads

Get a Bee Card(external link)

Bee Card FAQs

Bee Card terms and conditions(external link)

Bus fares and concession types

We offer the following concessions:

  • Infant
  • WITT Students (Connector bus only)
  • SuperGold 
  • Community Connect 
  • Total Mobility

For more information on the above concession types and whether you are eligible - please click here.