From Monday 30 October, 2023 there will be slight changes to the Your Connector school bus (Hāwera - NPBHS/ FDMC and Hāwera - NPGHS/ SHGC) timetables.

Taranaki Regional Council has made these changes following public feedback in March and based on real-time data collected over the past 10 months.
We’re excited to deliver a timetable that allows students more options to get to Stratford High School and New Plymouth based high schools, especially from Inglewood as there is no longer the requirement for students to transfer buses in the New Plymouth CBD.
The route 98 service will still run as usual.
New timetable below for Hāwera to New Plymouth Girls' High School & Sacred Heart Girls' College -
- Hāwera i-SITE now departs 15 minutes earlier at 7am (previously 7.15am)
- Normanby now departs 15 minutes earlier at 7.07am (previously 7.22am)
- Eltham now departs 15 minutes earlier at 7.22am (previously 7.37am)
- Ngāere now departs 15 minutes earlier at 7.25am (previously 7.40am)
- Stratford Avon Medical now departs 15 minutes earlier at 7.30am (previously 7.45am)
- Stratford opposite Library now departs 15 minutes earlier at 7.33am (previously 7.48am)
- Stratford High School is now a new stop and pick-up point at 7.37am
- Midhirst now departs 11 minutes earlier at 7.42am (previously 7.53am)
- Tariki now departs 11 minutes earlier at 7.47am (previously 7.58am)
- Norfolk now departs 11 minutes earlier at 7.51am (previously 8.02am)
- Inglewood Moa Street is now a new stop and pick-up point at 7.56am
- Inglewood Purple Dairy is now a new stop and pick-up point at 7.58am
- Inglewood High School is now a new stop and pick-up point at 7.59am
- NPGHS now arrives 2 minutes earlier at 8.25am (previously 8.27am)
- SHGC now arrives 2 minutes earlier at 8.35am (previously 8.37am)
- Inglewood now has three pick up and drop off points on the return journey. These include –
- Inglewood High School at 3.55pm
- Inglewood Purple Dairy at 3.56pm
- Inglewood Moa Street at 3.58pm
- Norfolk drop off is now 2 minutes later at 4.02pm (previously 4pm)
- Tariki drop off is now 2 minutes later at 4.07pm (previously 4.05pm)
- Midhirst drop off is now 2 minutes later at 4.13pm (previously 4.11pm)
- Stratford Library drop off is now 6 minutes later at 4.22pm (previously 4.16pm)
- Stratford Avon Medical drop off is now 5 minutes later at 4.24pm (previously 4.19pm)
- Ngāere Hall drop off is now 5 minutes later at 4.30pm (previously 4.25pm)
- Eltham drop off is now 5 minutes later at 4.34pm (previously 4.29pm)
- Normanby drop off is now at 5 minutes later at 4.49pm (previously 4.44pm)
- Hāwera i-SITE drop off is now 5 minutes later at 5.07pm (previously 4.52pm)
New timetable below for Hāwera to New Plymouth Boys' High School & Francis Douglas Memorial College -
- Hāwera i-SITE now departs 10 minutes earlier at 7am (previously 7.10am)
- Normanby now departs 10 minutes earlier at 7.07am (previously 7.17am)
- Eltham now departs 10 minutes earlier at 7.22am (previously 7.32am)
- Ngāere now departs 10 minutes earlier at 7.25am (previously 7.35am)
- Stratford Avon Medical now departs 10 minutes earlier at 7.30am (previously 7.40am)
- Stratford opposite Library now departs 10 minutes earlier at 7.33am (previously 7.43am)
- Stratford High School is now a new stop and pick-up point at 7.37am
- Midhirst now departs 6 minutes earlier at 7.42am (previously 7.48am)
- Tariki now departs 6 minutes earlier at 7.47am (previously 7.53am)
- Norfolk now departs 6 minutes earlier at 7.51am (previously 7.57am)
- Inglewood Moa Street is now a new stop and pick-up point at 7.56am
- Inglewood Purple Dairy is now a new stop and pick-up point at 7.58am
- Inglewood High School is now a new stop and pick-up point at 7.59am
- NPBHS now arrives 2 minutes earlier at 8.15am (previously 8.17am)
- FDMC now arrives 2 minutes earlier at 8.25am (previously 8.27am)
- Inglewood now has three pick up and drop off points on the return journey. These include –
- Inglewood High School at 4pm
- Inglewood Purple Dairy at 4.01pm
- Inglewood Moa Street at 4.03pm
- Norfolk drop off is now 3 minutes later at 4.08pm (previously 4.05pm)
- Tariki drop off is now 3 minutes later at 4.12pm (previously 4.09pm)
- Midhirst drop off is now 3 minutes later at 4.18pm (previously 4.15pm)
- Stratford Library drop off is now 7 minutes later at 4.27pm (previously 4.20pm)
- Stratford Cnr of Miranda & Romeo Streets drop off is now 7 minutes later at 4.30pm (previously 4.23pm)
- Ngāere Hall drop off is now 7 minutes later at 4.35pm (previously 4.28pm)
- Eltham drop off is now 7 minutes later at 4.39pm (previously 4.32pm)
- Normanby drop off is now at 7 minutes later at 4.54pm (previously 4.47pm)
- Hāwera i-SITE drop off is now 5 minutes later at 5pm (previously 4.55pm)
For current timetable information for the Your Connector Hāwera - NPGHS & SHGC bus service please visit our website.
For current timetable information for the Your Connector Hāwera - NPBHS & FDMC bus service please visit our website.