your descriptions of inherent vulnerabilities for each land unit includes:
the biophysical feature or features relating to the inherent vulnerability (this may be included in
the land unit description), e.g., landform, climate.
the specific nature of the feature or features that may give rise to vulnerabilities to freshwater
(this may also be included in the land unit description) e.g., siltstone hill-country in a high-
rainfall area that is prone to shallow slipping.
dot) 8
Figure 6 E-BAM set-up and instillation at Central School, New Plymouth 9
Figure 7 Location of Meteorological Stations with respect to the Central School monitoring site 11
Figure 8 Wind rose for the whole monitoring period (from hourly data) 12
Figure 9 Frequency of rainfall with wind direction 12
Figure 10 Boxplots of daily mean PM2.5 over the monitoring period 14
Figure 11 Number of days per year with PM2.5 concentrations 15
Figure 12 Temporal variations in …
viii) The locations of all specific points of discharge from the work area to the environment; and,
ix) Any other relevant site information.
d) Construction timetable for the erosion and sediment control works and the bulk earthworks
e) Maintenance, monitoring and reporting procedures;
f) Rainfall response and contingency measures including procedures to minimise adverse effects in
the event of extreme rainfall events and/or the failure of any key erosion and
opportunities and constraints for improving farm dairy effluent management .......... 23
6.1 Soil characteristics .................................................................................................................... 23
6.2 High rainfall and seasonal considerations ............................................................................ 23
6.3 Taranaki river flows and characteristics ............................................................................... 24
2014-2015 (between hours of 1100 – 1400). Data from pond
outlet. 13
Figure 3 Faecal coliform numbers in the HWWTP effluent(s), 1992 to
2015 15
Figure 4 Daily discharge volumes (m3/day) from the Hawera
oxidation ponds system and daily rainfall data (mm) from a
Council rainfall station approximately 5 km east of the
Hawera oxidation ponds, 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 17
Figure 5 Location of marine ecological monitoring sites 18
Figure 6 Mean
Freshwater recreational bathing monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
effective precipitation >1500mm;
50% of the cumulative rainfall volume fell between 400m and 1000m;
volcanic acidic dominant geology, and pastoral land cover.
and under-represent catchments with:
mean annual temperature ≥12°C;
mean annual effective precipitation <500mm and ≥1500mm;
50% of the cumulative rainfall volume fell above 1000m;
alluvium and soft-sedimentary dominant geology, urban, scrub, exotic and indigenous forest land
At a local
for refurbishment. The non-compliant discharge volumes were
attributed to recurrent periods of high rainfall which first occurred in the 2016-2017 monitoring period. Due
to this, all enforcement actions were outlined in the previous monitoring report. In summary, following two
14 day letters and a number of stakeholder meetings, STDC were required to provide a report on inflow and
infiltration and undertake additional shellfish monitoring. Further investigations found that the discharges
excess of water may enter the
system during heavy or sustained rainfall, or if rainfall occurs when the plant is not operating. This excess is
discharged via a sand filter prior to entering the NPDC stormwater system, which discharges to the
Mangaone Stream immediately upstream of State Highway 3.
Allied Concrete holds water discharge permit 4539-2 to cover the discharge of stormwater and treated
wastewater from truck washing at a concrete batching plant into the Mangaone Stream in the
1) For an irrigation consent, applications are required to provide a reasonable use test in relation to the
maximum daily rate of abstraction return period and the seasonal or annual volume of the proposed take.
When making decisions on the reasonableness of the rate and volume of take sought, the Council will:
a. consider land use, crop water-use requirements, on-site physical factors such as soil water-
holding capacity, and climatic factors such as rainfall variability and