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NPDC New Plymouth WWTP Annual Report 2020 2021

during the year (four relating to high rainfall, and one relating to a potable water leak). All of these incidents were deemed compliant with consent conditions upon further investigation. There were also 19 wastewater incidents that occurred throughout the wider wastewater network; 12 of which were related to high rainfall that occurred in November and December in 2020. One incident occurred when a contractor left a pipe plug in the sewer following maintenance, which resulted in an overflow

TRC Annual Report 2023-2024

confines of Port Taranaki. The Taranaki region has a temperate climate with generally abundant rainfall. The incised nature of ring plain streams means that flooding is not a major problem. However, occasional intense rainfall events can lead to rapid rises in river levels and flooding in hill country valleys and elsewhere. Figure 1: The Taranaki Region page Working with people. Caring for Taranaki 19 The people Figures from the 2023 census show Taranaki total population

Appendix U - Haehanga Catchment preliminary groundwater investigation

............................................................................................................................. 10 APPENDIX A MONITORING WELLS- REMEDIATION NEW ZEALAND- URUTI .......... 11 APPENDIX B MONITORING BORE INSTALLATION .................................................... 13 APPENDIX C SOIL MOISTURE AND RAINFALL RECHARGE ON CHLORIDE CONCENTRATIONS IN GROUNDWATER ............................................. 15 APPENDIX D PRELIMINARY UNCONFIRMED CONCEPTUAL SITE MODEL ............... 1 page Commercial in confidence TABLES Table 2.1:Haehanga Catchment

Concrete Batching Plants Annual Report 2022-2023

discharge of stormwater and wastewater onto and into land and into an unnamed tributary of the Kahouri Stream. During the monitoring period, Fletcher Concrete and Infrastructure Ltd (Fletcher Concrete) demonstrated a good level of environmental performance and high level of administrative performance. There was a breach of consent conditions identified from sampling undertaken during a heavy rainfall event. Levels of total suspended solids exceeded those allowed for in condition 7.

14Furtherinformation AppendixJ

groundwater beneath the Uruti Composting Facility Site are moderately impacted with Chloride contamination  Site layout, hydrogeological interactions, soil types and rainfall also influence the level of Chlorides observed in the soil, groundwater resources and the Haehanga Stream environment  Offsite impacts have not been quantified and where not part of the scope of this report The Uruti Composting Facility Management Plan was developed to improve the performance of the composting

6AEE AppendixD

silty-clay . Due to high rates of irrigation loading, shallow groundwater beneath the Uruti Composting Facility Site are moderately impacted with Chloride contamination . Site layout, hydrogeological interactions, soil types and rainfall also influence the level of Chlorides observed in the soil, groundwater resources and the Haehanga Stream environment . Offsite impacts have not been quantified and where not part of the scope of this report The Uruti Composting Facility Management Plan was

Mangapouri Cemetery consent monitoring 2018-2019

List of figures Figure 1 Mangapouri Cemetery location map 4 Figure 2 Burial Plan for first five years of operation 9 Figure 3 Baseline groundwater elevations in comparison to rainfall 17 Figure 4 Baseline groundwater levels GND2624 18 Figure 5 Baseline groundwater levels GND2627 19 Figure 6 Baseline groundwater levels GND2625 19 Figure 7 Baseline groundwater levels GND2623 20 Figure 8 Baseline groundwater levels GND2484 20 Figure 9 Baseline groundwater


cover is linked to a shift of storm tracks southward and dry tropical zones expanding. Rainfall: The report covers average rainfall by season, and trends in rainfall within each season. It also presents information on trends in intense rainfall episodes. The report goes on to note that climate change modelling suggest there will be an overall pattern of increasing rainfall in winter and spring down western New Zealand and across the south of the South Island, with drier conditions to the

Irrigation consent monitoring 2018-2019

the 2018-2019 monitoring year, with most commencing irrigation in November or December and concluding for most in March. Rainfall recorded at the Council’s monitoring locations over the summer irrigation period ranged between 58% and 111% of historical mean values. A particularly dry October, along with warm coastal winds, caused soils to dry out faster than normal which resulted in high irrigation water demand. Total usage during the 2018-2019 irrigation season, with a total water use across