Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1278 results.

Biennial report 2011-2013

per 100 millilitre of sample F fluoride FC faecal coliforms, an indicator of the possible presence of faecal material and pathological micro-organisms. Usually expressed as colony forming units per 100 millilitre sample Fresh elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall g/m3 grams per cubic metre, and equivalent to milligrams per litre (mg/L). In water, this is also equivalent to parts per million (ppm), but the same does not apply to gaseous mixtures incident

Annual report 2012-2013

Usually expressed as the number of colonies per 100 ml Ent Enterococci, an indicator of the possible presence of faecal material and pathological micro-organisms. Usually expressed as the number of colonies per 100 ml F Fluoride FC Faecal coliforms, an indicator of the possible presence of faecal material and pathological micro-organisms. Usually expressed as the number of colonies per 100 ml fresh elevated flow in a stream, such as after heavy rainfall g/m3 grammes per

Recount 96 - March 2015

creativity with leftovers. Follow the campaign at Well worth pond-ering The dry start to 2015, followed by a brief spell of intense rainfall in early February, highlighted the importance of sound dairy effluent management practices. “We’re finding a few common pitfalls that can lead to non-compliance with dairy effluent discharge consent conditions during abnormally dry or wet weather,” says the Taranaki Regional Council’s Compliance

Waihapa PS consent monitoring 2019-2020

stored on site prior to being piped to the Omata tank farm in New Plymouth. The gas is processed, compressed and piped to end users. The produced water is disposed of by deep well injection. Stormwater from the production station is collected and discharged at three separate points. The water level in the firewater pond in the north western corner of the site is maintained by an abstraction from the Ngaere Stream. Overflow due to rainfall entering this pond is discharged to land and to the …

TRC Annual Report 2021-2022

rainfall events can lead to rapid rises in river levels and flooding in hill country valleys and elsewhere. Figure 2: The Taranaki Region page 18 The people Figures from the 2018 census show Taranaki total population stands at 117,561, an increase of 7.3% over the 2013 census figure. In the previous census period (2006-2013) the region’s population increased by 5.3%. Taranaki accounts for 2.5% of New Zealand’s total population. Population changes have also varied

Annual report 2016-2017

2016-2017 monitoring period. This event occurred on the 15 February 2017 and was the result of extremely high rainfall and an operational error. Signage was placed at the affected sites in accordance with the contingency plan. The consent holder subsequently undertook an internal audit of procedural matters and put in place remedial measures to prevent a similar recurrence. In particular, monitoring and alarm system operation and response matters have been re-addressed (STDC, pers comm). The

Annual report 2013-2014

augured cores (approximately 4–8 m below surface). Average annual rainfall for the site is 1043 mm (taken from the nearby Patea monitoring station). Origin Energy Ltd’s Kauri D wellsite is situated in the eastern corner of the site, and there is a small coastal lake inland and to the northeast (up gradient) of the storage pit area. Both of these features are presented in Figure 1. A summary of site data is presented below: Site data Location Word descriptor: Lower Manutahi

Policy and Planning Agenda September 2024

growing as mats on the rocks of a river bed (benthic) or floating and drifting in lakes (planktonic). During the summer months, increased water temperature, reduced rainfall and increased daylight hours provide ideal conditions for cyanobacteria to grow, sometimes resulting in algal blooms. When in bloom, cyanobacteria can produce toxins that can pose a risk to the health of people and animals entering the water. Sites monitored for benthic cyanobacteria were suitable for recreational

Eltham WWTP consent monitoring 2017-2018

as a result of high rainfall events that exceed the storage capacity of the primary and holding ponds, and the pumping capacity of the reticulated system to Hawera. Primary pond effluent analyses were not required during the monitoring period, although the condition of the pond and any associated odour continues to be monitored during routine inspections. page 10 Along with a visual survey of the primary pond and surrounds, dissolved oxygen levels (DO) and the