Your search for 'wastewater' returned 1065 results.

Annual report 2014-2015

processing plant located on SH45 west of Manaia, in the Kaupokonui River catchment. The Company holds a resource consent to allow it to discharge wastewater directly into the Tasman Sea. This report for the period July 2014-June 2015 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental performance during the period under review, and the results and effects of the Company’s activities. The Company holds one resource

Todd Energy Aquatic Centre monitoring 2018-2019

operates the Todd Energy Aquatic Centre (the Aquatic Centre) located on Tisch Avenue, New Plymouth. Wastewater from backwashing the water filtration system and empting the outdoor pools is discharged from the ocean outfall situated on the Kawaroa Reef foreshore, to the east of the facility. This report for the period July 2018 to June 2019 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess NPDC’s environmental and consent compliance performance

Annual report 2016-2017

Centre, which include a total of thirteen special conditions that NPDC must satisfy. One consent allows NPDC to discharge swimming pool wastewater into the Tasman Sea, and the other allows it to erect, place, use and maintain a discharge pipe at the site. During the monitoring period, NPDC demonstrated an overall level of environmental performance that required improvement. The Council’s monitoring programme for the year under review included four site inspections, two marine ecological

Annual report 2014-2015

site operation includes the storage and mixing of cement, aggregate, sand, and builders mix. Allied Concrete holds one resource consent, which includes a total of four conditions setting out the requirements that they must satisfy. The consent allows for the discharge of wastewater into an unnamed tributary of the Waitara River. During the year under review, Allied Concrete demonstrated an overall high level of environmental performance. Firth Industries is a division of Fletcher

Concrete batching plants monitoring report 2017-2018

operate a concrete batching plant located on Mould Street, Waitara, in the Waitara catchment. The site operation includes the storage and mixing of cement, aggregate, sand, and builders mix. Allied Concrete holds one resource consent which includes a total of 10 conditions setting out the requirements that they must satisfy. The consent allows for the discharge of wastewater into an unnamed tributary of the Waitara River. During the year under review, Allied Concrete demonstrated an overall

Fonterra Whareroa consent monitoring 2017-2018

Tangahoe, Tawhiti and Tasman catchments. Fonterra holds a total of 24 resource consents related to activities undertaken at the Whareroa site to allow for the abstraction of water from the Tawhiti Stream and Tangahoe River; the discharge of river silt and sand back to those two streams; the discharge of stormwater to unnamed tributaries of the Tawhiti Stream, the Tangahoe River and an unnamed coastal stream; the discharge of stormwater and sediment to land; the discharge of dairy factory wastewater

STDC landfills monitoring report 2017-2018

areas but was closed in 1992 due to exhaustion of landfill capacity. The 0.71 ha site is located on Castle Street, just downstream of the Eltham oxidation ponds (Figure 2). The area is generally well rehabilitated, with the majority of the area grassed. The landfill is monitored by the Council under the Eltham wastewater treatment plant/Eltham landfill combined monitoring programme. Historically the water quality in the Mangawhero Stream was quite poor due to the discharges from the Eltham

Annual report 2016-2017

May 2014, the site was known as Riverlands Eltham. The plant has an associated wastewater treatment ponds system from which effluent is disposed of either to land or to the river. This report for the killing season from October 2016-September 2017 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken and

Annual report 2015-2016

the environmental effects of Aquatic Centre’s activities. NPDC holds two resource consents relating to the Aquatic Centre, which include a total of thirteen special conditions that NPDC must satisfy. One consent allows NPDC to discharge swimming pool wastewater into the Tasman Sea, and the other allows it to erect, place, use and maintain a discharge pipe at the site. During the monitoring period, NPDC demonstrated an overall high level of environmental performance. The Council’s

Annual report 2015-2016

1715235 (Pdf) August 2016 page page Executive summary The Pacific Natural Gut String Company Limited (the Company) operates a natural gut processing plant located on SH45 west of Manaia, in the Kaupokonui River catchment. The Company holds a resource consent to allow it to discharge wastewater directly into the Tasman Sea. This report for the period July 2015 to June 2016 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional