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Turi the commander of the Aotea Utanganui waka as he travelled south with his wife Rongorongo and his people. The Kanihi-Umutahi and Okahu-Inuawai hapū who have historically resided on the western and eastern banks of the Waingongoro River are descendants from the tangata whenua tribes that landed at Te Rangatapu on the Te Rangiuamutu waka captained by Tamatea-Rokai and also from the Aotea Utanganui waka. This river also had an abundance of fish species resources including

Schedule 5B - Sites of significance to Māori and associated values (Ngāruahine)

and Okahu-Inuawai hapū who have historically resided on the western and eastern banks of the Waingongoro River are descendants from the tangata whenua tribes that landed at Te Rangatapu on the Te Rangiuamutu waka captained by Tamatea-Rokai and also from the Aotea Utanganui waka. This river also had an abundance of fish species resources including tunaheke, piharau, īnanga, pakotea and kōkopu. E17 Waingongoro river Mahinga kai Map Link Map 30 E18 Te Rangatapu Pā Historic


different times of the day and year Associative Shared and recognised values  Widely recognised as a former pā site as a distinctive flat topped island marking the entrance to Kapuni Stream Very high Tangata whenua values  This area contains significant pā and kāinga, including tauranga waka and pūkāwa.  Waimate Orangi-tuapeka were fighting pā on the banks of the Kapuni Stream, where the last battle between the Taranaki tribes and the Waikato tribes was fought

Schedule 2 - Coastal areas of outstanding value

year Associative Shared and recognised values  Widely recognised as a former pā site as a distinctive flat topped island marking the entrance to Kapuni Stream Very high Tangata whenua values  This area contains significant pā and kāinga, including tauranga waka and pūkāwa.  Waimate Orangi-tuapeka were fighting pā on the banks of the Kapuni Stream, where the last battle between the Taranaki tribes and the Waikato tribes was fought (1830). The outcome was an

Schedule II: Coastal areas of outstanding value

year Associative Shared and recognised values  Widely recognised as a former pā site as a distinctive flat topped island marking the entrance to Kapuni Stream Very high Tangata whenua values  This area contains significant pā and kāinga, including tauranga waka and pūkāwa.  Waimate Orangi-tuapeka were fighting pā on the banks of the Kapuni Stream, where the last battle between the Taranaki tribes and the Waikato tribes was fought (1830). The outcome was an

Appendix 10C: Ngāti Tama

significance to Ngati Tama in the vicinity. The mataitai resources along this beach are of great value to the tribes associated with them and were often a cause for dispute. Purposes of statutory acknowledgement Under section 54, and without limiting the rest of this schedule, the only purposes of this statutory acknowledgement are— (a) to require consent authorities, the Environment Court, or the Historic Places Trust, as the case may be, to have regard to this statutory