Your search for 'rules' returned 1979 results.


Agenda for Ordinary Council meeting April 2017.

Regional Transport Committee agenda March 2018

regional response. She will also raise at TSIG later this week to gauge responses around the country. SB sought council feedback on the letter. He will respond with a similar letter advising that SDC will not be applying a blanket approach but will consider targeted reductions in focus areas. It was noted that the new speed setting rules are very staff resource and time hungry. The DCs are generally not getting community requests to reduce speed limits. SB FR

Inventory of coastal areas of local or regional significance in the Taranaki region

granted between 1996 and 1999 however for consistency numbers granted after 1999 have been used. Prior to 1999 minimal subdivisions in the coastal area occurred in both districts. The development of District Plans, which contain rules relating to subdivisions, provide applicants with a clear knowledge of the steps required to undertake subdivision. The New Plymouth District Plan essentially freed up subdivision processes and therefore made it easier to obtain subdivision consents. page 3

iventory of coastal areas significance taranaki

granted between 1996 and 1999 however for consistency numbers granted after 1999 have been used. Prior to 1999 minimal subdivisions in the coastal area occurred in both districts. The development of District Plans, which contain rules relating to subdivisions, provide applicants with a clear knowledge of the steps required to undertake subdivision. The New Plymouth District Plan essentially freed up subdivision processes and therefore made it easier to obtain subdivision consents. page 3

Policy & Planning agenda November 2021

to reverse those impacts and show potential to make good progress from this point forward.  Lack of clear direction and provision of information from MfE has created uncertainty that prevents some key tasks being completed. Specifically, issues are around: o Changes in Intensive Winter Grazing direction (required reversing drafting work) and Farm Plans (progress on rules delayed while awaiting clarity) o Indications that the directions on allocation may be changed – but

Regional Transport agenda November 2018

Matters raised: A general discussion was held on the rules around Enhanced Funding Rates. NZTA information on this matter was later disseminated to the group by WW and is attached to these Meeting Minutes for information. WW 3. RLTP Monitoring Report JB advised that the template set up for the Monitoring Reports over last 3-5 years has proved problematic this year. Is it still of value? Do we even need it? Looking to reduce it down to 2 pages, no more than