Your search for 'reuse' returned 276 results.

Solid Waste Management agenda August 2020

commitment to Plastic Free July. In addition to this NPDC funded a series of workshops through Sustainable Taranaki held at The Junction during the month of July. These workshops focused on reuse and reduce with the target audience being families and children as these were held over the school holiday period. These workshops were promoted in the Midweek, and Sustainable Taranaki’s and the Zero Waste Taranaki websites. Two public tours of the MRF were also held and sold out; more could be …

Agenda Taranaki Solid Waste Committee 18 August 2022

8815612 Walk in Wardrobe - Reuse *NPDC* The Zero Waste team is supporting the promotion of preloved, vintage, upcycled, and handmade clothing, shoes, jewellery, and accessories. Three events are being held in Taranaki in 2022 with the first event on 29 May at the Bell Block Hall. NPDC funded the rental of the hall through the waste levy. All stallholders are

Solid Waste Management agenda May 2020

(fortnightly – but landfilled) Glass (fortnightly – not colour sorted at kerb) Food scraps (weekly) Landfill (fortnightly) All waste streams accepted Normal operating hours. The Junction reuse shop open for sales and drop offs MRF operating Monday to Saturday Landfill only for essential services and rural customers without kerbside service, normal opening hours. The Junction closed MRF closed Landfill, glass recycling, and greenwaste accepted. …

5AEE AppendixC

rain event, weekly Stormwater Reuse Pumps will be used to pump water from the storage ponds back to the compost pad for moisture control during normal operations. The aim of reuse is to minimise any discharge off site. 3. 3. 3.4 Pad 1 and 3 pond management All contaminated stormwater (leachate) collected off Pad 1 and 3 is to be collected and passed through a pond system with a combined capacity of 5, 000m3 (refer Appendix D). The Site Manager to ensure that the leachate flows

State of the Environment Report 2015

range of heritage and amenity values, where the community maintains a progressive outlook. The region’s approach to solid waste management has largely succeeded in addressing the environmental effects of disposal and is increasingly focused on waste minimisation—by recovering, reusing and recycling. The region is also generally well prepared to deal with natural hazards. page 1442647 MB Final Draft. 5 All of these trends are set to continue, and in many cases ramp up in

Solid Waste Committee minutes May 2021

Volzke/Chong 4. The Junction – Reuse Shop and Education Programme 4.1 Steve Francis, Doug Hopkins and Paul Scouller, The Junction, spoke to the memorandum and gave a presentation on activities undertaken by the Junction. 4.2 It was noted that the committee would be interested in a Junction Tour. Recommended That the Taranaki Solid Waste Management Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council: a) receives the memorandum and notes the activities of the Junction.

Stratford Primary School

two bins of refuse are filled each week and no skip bin was required at the end of 2016. Staff are a key aspect to the success in this project. The school has appointed a full-time enviro facilitator whose role is to implement the Enviroschools programme. The caretaker has a significant role, diverting many waste streams, items such as computer hardrives are taken apart, metal recycled where possible and screws sorted out for future use. Anything that can be reused or recycled is.

2021/2022 TST Annual Report

known restoration requirements. However there was limited information of the extent to which the current components could be reused and the cost of restoration and thus the accuracy of the carrying value of the Eastern and Western Stands of Yarrow Stadium for the year ended 30 June 2021. The value of the stands and the level of impairment/losses on revaluation of buildings also impacts on the determination of the results of operations, and we were unable to determine whether