Your search for 'fish' returned 1276 results.

web EnergyWatch appeal

uncertain, unknown, or little understood, but potentially significantly adverse. Oppose It doesn’t support TEW’s precautionary approach at para.16 and para.17 of our evidence. Retain as notified. 55 –Kiwis Against Seabed Mining Policy 3 – Precautionary approach Amend to note that the precautionary approach should be applied to objectives, policies and rules in the plan that relate to oil and gas, fishing and seabed mining activities. Support It supports TEW’s

Annual report 2014-2015

3.2 Environmental effects of exercise of water permit The main potential environmental effect of quarrying activities on waterways is associated with discharges of washwater and stormwater containing fine silt particles and high suspended solids concentrations. Such discharges may result in discolouration of the receiving waters near the discharge point and smothering of benthic life forms, form a barrier to fish movement, and/or affect fish spawning habitats. This is particularly relevant

Annual report 2013-2014

near the discharge point and smothering of benthic life forms, form a barrier to fish movement, and/or affect fish spawning habitats. This is particularly relevant in the lower reaches of the Kurapete Stream near its confluence with the Manganui River. The Council monitors for possible effects on stream biota and aesthetic quality by conducting a visual inspection of the stream both up and downstream of the quarry, and measuring physicochemical properties of the wastewater discharge and

FRODO 2182791 v1 18 99 STDC Combined Kaponga Manaia Patea and Waverley WWTP Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2017 2018 2178370

construction, maintenance, and upgrades to the structures. Conditions 4 and 5 detail requirements around minimising disturbance from maintenance works. Condition 6 provides for public access to and along the coastal marine area. Condition 7 sets limits on the timing of maintenance. Condition 8 provides for fish passage. Condition 9 sets limits around signage requirements during maintenance works. Condition 10 details removal and reinstatement requirements. Conditions 11 and 12

STDC townships waste water treatment consent monitoring 2017-2018

construction, maintenance, and upgrades to the structures. Conditions 4 and 5 detail requirements around minimising disturbance from maintenance works. Condition 6 provides for public access to and along the coastal marine area. Condition 7 sets limits on the timing of maintenance. Condition 8 provides for fish passage. Condition 9 sets limits around signage requirements during maintenance works. Condition 10 details removal and reinstatement requirements. Conditions 11 and 12