Your search for 'bores' returned 759 results.

Annual report 2014-2015

Stream, which may in turn affect the streambed fauna. page Monitoring of groundwater and leachate in relation to the old landfill area off Bewley Road showed that with exception of one ammoniacal nitrogen result, all of the samples collected from the three monitoring bores complied with consent limits. There were three unauthorised incidents recorded that were associated with the consents covered by this report, one of which resulted in an infringement notice

Annual report 2012-2013

compliance with consent limits for the major constituents of the discharge including zinc concentration, pH level, suspended solids, and oil and grease concentrations. Elevated zinc concentrations were recorded upstream and downstream of the Taranaki Galvanizer’s discharge. However, zinc concentrations recorded complied with consent limits. The historical disposal of galvanising waste materials into a bore on the Galvanizer’s site is considered to be the most likely source of zinc contamination in

Annual report 2015-2016

concentrations were recorded in the receiving waters upstream and downstream of the Company’s discharge. However, zinc concentrations recorded complied with consent limits. The historical disposal of galvanising waste materials into a bore on the Company’s site is considered to be the most likely source of zinc contamination in the unnamed tributary. Results from the current monitoring period suggest that zinc levels continue to remain relatively stable. In the reported period, no effect of emissions

Annual report 2014-2015

the isolation of the well bore from surrounding formations. In Taranaki, contaminants disposed of by DWI are generally limited to produced water, saline groundwater, contaminated stormwater, waste drilling fluids, hydraulic fracturing fluids, and production sludges. The Council has approved, on specific occasions, the discharge of small volumes of other specified contaminants by DWI. Any application to discharge waste material not specifically licenced by the relevant resource consent is

Annual report 2013-2014

overlying freshwater zones, providing a multi-barrier approach to the protection of freshwater resources. As part of the resource consent application procedure for DWI activities, applicants are required to submit information that details both the design and construction specifications of the injection well(s) and illustrates well integrity and the isolation of the well bore from surrounding formations. In Taranaki, contaminants disposed of by DWI are generally limited to produced water, saline

Annual report 2014-2015

improvement in the Company’s environmental performance is therefore desirable due to non- compliance issues. Additional work at the site is anticipated to remedy this situation before the next sampling in spring 2015. Elevated zinc concentrations were recorded in the receiving waters upstream and downstream of the Company’s discharge. However, zinc concentrations recorded complied with consent limits. The historical disposal of galvanising waste materials into a bore on the Company’s site is

Annual report 2014-2015

zones, providing a multi- barrier approach to the protection of freshwater resources. As part of the resource consent application procedure for DWI activities, applicants are required to submit information that details both the design and construction specifications of the injection well(s) and illustrates well integrity and the isolation of the well bore from surrounding formations. In Taranaki, contaminants disposed of by DWI are generally limited to produced water, saline groundwater,

Greymouth Petroleum Ltd Turangi B Hydraulic Fracturing Report 2019-2021

activities carried out by the Company at the Turangi-B wellsite during the period being reported is provided below in Table 1. Table 1 Summary of hydraulic fracturing details Well Bore id. Date range Mid-point injection intervals (m TVDss) Formation Turangi-8 GND3107 14-11-2019 - 10-02-2020 3,416 – 4,397 Mangahewa/Kaimiro Turangi-9 GND3108 10-03-2020 - 15-06-2020 3,408 – 4,426 Turangi-10 GND3109 21-01-2021 - 04-03-2021 3,419 – 4,426 Turangi-11 GND3110 13-03-2021 -

Stratford water supplies consent monitoring 2019-2020

From the reservoir, the treated water returns to the treatment plant where a booster pump drives it into the Midhirst reticulation system at an acceptable mains pressure. A large storage tank onsite acts as a reservoir for firefighting. 1.2.3 Toko water supply The Toko rural water supply was originally the water supply for the former Toko dairy factory. Water is pumped from a bore to a small shed where it is chlorinated and then filtered. After it has been filtered, the water is pumped to …

Revised Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) - June 2020

............................................................................................................................................................ 56 Groundwater Bores .................................................................................................................................................. 56 Performance of Facility in relation to three tier thresholds ......................................................................... 57 2.11.2 Leachate and Stormwater Management Plan …