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Lake Herengawe, Te Kiri Bush, Te Wairua o te kohu

recreational values. Public usage includes fishing, boating, and duck hunting. 1 Pure grey ducks are listed as Acutely Threatened. However, interbreeding between the native grey and the introduced mallard means that few pure grey ducks remain. page Management threats and response Potential and actual threats to the sustainability of Lake Herengawe’s ecological values are as follows: Threats to ecological values

Bushy Park QEII Covenants, Fred and Nell Morris Reserve, MS and FA Morris Reserve, Pukiekie

Tikorangi Whitehead KNE. Sustainability Positive Key ecological processes still influence the site. Under appropriate management, it can remain resilient to existing or potential threats. Management threats and response Potential and actual threats to the sustainability of ecological values are as follows: Threats to ecological values Potential threat Comment Pest animals High Possums, cats, mustelids, and rats. Weeds High Woolly nightshade, pasture grass.

Hydrocarbon compounds (BTEX) Taranaki air monitoring survey 2013

page Memorandum To Keith Brodie, Environmental Monitoring Manager Fiza Hafiz, Scientific officer – State of Environment From Brian Cheyne, Scientific officer – Air Quality File 1262809 - SEM 4/11 Date 25 October 2013 Corrected January 2019 following receipt of finalised laboratory report Air monitoring survey of hydrocarbon compounds (BTEX) in the Taranaki Region Introduction In April 2012 a survey of ambient air quality sampling was carried out by

Elected Members Code of Conduct

or lose their status as an elector, or of certain breaches of the Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968. 39. Under the Local Government Act 2002, the Council, when adopting a code of conduct, must consider whether they will require members to declare if they are an undischarged bankrupt. The Council believes that bankruptcy does raise questions about the soundness of a person’s financial management skills and their judgement in general. The Council therefore requires

Dairy effluent pond guidelines update

DEPs in Taranaki. The update reflects a change in effluent management philosophy, away from treatment and discharge to waterways and toward storage of effluent with irrigation to land. We understand TRC wants to retain a flexible approach to pond construction, recognising that mandating a single specific pond design/type is not appropriate for all situations. TRC recognises that different solutions to pond design will achieve environmental protection in different

Appendix 9: Investigation of existing bores - can be utilised to model the site. Sources Fetter, C W. Applied hydrogeology. 4th ed. Prentice Hall Inc, 2001. Fetter, C W. Applied hydrogeology. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1994 Guidelines for Assessing and Managing Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sites in New Zealand page Leveling survey of existing groundwater bores Sight B.S. I.S. F.S. H.o.C. G.L. Remarks Well Depth Water Level GW-Potentiometric 1 1.498 11.498 10.000 No.3 Well 5.75 0.59 9.4 2 1.634 9.864

10Furtherinformation AppendixH1

analysed as received at the laboratory. Samples are held at the laboratory after reporting for a length of time depending on the preservation used and the stability of the analytes being tested. Once the storage period is completed the samples are discarded unless otherwise advised by the client. This certificate of analysis must not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of the signatory. Ara Heron BSc (Tech) Client Services Manager - Environmental Lab No: 1963135 v 1

Rules applying to estuaries

page Coastal Management Area B : Estuaries page 2 2 2 Structures Activity Rule Standards/Terms/Conditions Classification Notification Control/Discretion Policy References Alteration, reconstruction or removal and re-placement of an existing structure for maintenance B1.1 • Activity is for the purpose of maintaining the structure in good repair; • Size of the structure will not increase beyond original size; • Sediment disturbance

Estimation of water quality contaminant loads and the likely effect of fencing in Taranaki

erosion on farmland: a summary of erion's impact on New Zealand agriculture, and farm management practices which counteract it. Wellington, New Zealand. James, E., Kleinman, P., Veith, T., Stedman, R., Sharpley, A., 2007. Phosphorus contributions from pastured dairy cattle to streams of the Cannonsville Watershed, New York. J. SOIL WATER CONSERVAT. 62, 40-47. Jowett, I.G., 1998. Hydraulic geometry of New Zealand rivers and its use as a preliminary method of habitat assessment. Regul.

SHMAK study unit

involves looking at not only the water quality but also the physical features and ecology of streams. • The SHMAK and its methods are designed to indicate stream health, they are not designed to indicate whether water is safe to drink by humans and animals. • For school study purposes the section covering land use and farm management information has not been included. The monitoring system is designed to give users a choice about how detailed their monitoring programmes