Your search for 'Assessment of Environmental Effects' returned 4274 results.

Assessment of environmental effects

page Application to Taranaki Regional Council for Four Discharge Consents and Assessment of Environmental Effects Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation at Four Existing Wellsites within the Kapuni Field January 2012 page Application for Resource Consents to Discharge Contaminants to Land –– January 2012 ii page Application for Resource Consents to Discharge

Assessment of environmental effects

9.4 Other Consent Requirements ............................................................. 17 10.0 ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ........................... 18 10.1 Effects on the Receiving Environment .............................................. 18 10.2 Macroinvertebrate and periphyton effects ....................................... 19 10.3 Public Health ........................................................................................ 22 10.4 Effect on Public Access

Assessing effects

All resource consent applications need an Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) and most need a Cultural Impact Assessment. Any effects, whether positive or negative, long or short-term, or when combined with each other, need to be identified. It is unlikely an activity will have no effects. If the Council requires a resource consent for an activity, it is because we anticipate the activity may have some effects needing to be considered. What is an AEE?An AEE is a written statement which

Assessment of Environmental Effects - Airport Farm Trustee Ltd

and scope 1 2 Activity description 3 2.1 Site and locality 3 2.2 Site description 3 2.3 Existing poultry sheds, operation and exhaust discharges 4 2.4 Proposed modifications to site operation 5 3 Odour emissions and sources 6 4 Environmental setting 8 4.1 Adjacent activities 8 4.2 Topography 8 4.3 Meteorological conditions 10 5 Assessment of odour effects 12 5.1 Assessment methodology 12 5.2 Complaint and compliance records 13 5.3 Consideration of geographical separation from sensitive

Revised Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) - June 2020

.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 82 6. NOTIFICATION & CONSULTATION .................................................................................................................... 82 7. ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS .............................................................................................. 83 7.1 ASSESSMENT OF ALTERNATIVES ................................................................................................................................... 83 7.1.1 Alternative Location and …

Application Assessment of effects AEE management Hierarchy

page MANGOREI HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER SCHEME ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS MANAGEMENT HIERARCHY – POLICY 7 AND CLAUSE 3.24 OF THE NATIONAL POLICY STATEMENT ON FRESHWATER MANAGEMENT 2020 MARCH 2022 The table below has utilised the technical assessments that have been prepared in association with the reconsenting of the Mangorei Hydro-Electric Power Scheme to identify environmental effects that have the potential to be consequential to the extent and values of rivers and

Appendix S - Assessment of cultural effects

prefers to keep the material onsite due to its association with drilling muds, however if an appropriate opportunity arose to use the material offsite this would be considered. page Landpro Ltd © 9 6. Ngāti Mutunga Iwi Environmental Management Plan The Ngāti Mutunga Iwi Environmental Management Plan is a guiding document in assessing the likely effects of these activities on the cultural values of Ngāti Mutunga. It identifies issues, policies and objectives relating to

Appendix Y - assessment of odour effect

page P:\606X\60606952\500_DELIV\Air Quality\Assessment of Odour Effects Uruti.docx Revision B – 28-Jun-2019 Prepared for – Remediation NZ Limited – ABN: N/A Remediation NZ Limited 28-Jun-2019 Doc No. R001 Assessment of Odour Effects Revital Group - Uruti Composting Operations page Assessment of Odour Effects P:\606X\60606952\500_DELIV\Air Quality\Assessment of Odour Effects Uruti.docx Revision B – 28-Jun-2019 Prepared

Assessment of the effects of hydraulic fracturing on seismicity in the Taranaki region

page Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited An Assessment of the Effects of Hydraulic Fracturing on Seismicity in the Taranaki Region Steven Sherburn Rosemary Quinn GNS Science Consultancy Report 2012/50 February 2012 1 Fairway Drive, Avalon Lower Hutt 5010 PO Box 30 368 Lower Hutt 5040 New Zealand T +64-4-570 1444 F +64-4-570 4600 page Project number 420W1352

Environmental monitoring technical reports

& chemical state Physical and chemical ('physicochemical') measurements are used to assess pressures on the health of rivers. The measures include bacteria levels, water clarity, conductivity and acidity (pH levels), nutrient levels, dissolved oxygen levels and the amount of oxygen consumed in the breakdown of organic matter. In all, there are 13 individual measures, which the Council now monitors at 13 sites. Freshwater physicochemical monitoring 2018-2019 (2.8 MB pdf) Earlier reports