Your search for '57 High Street ' returned 2739 results.

Freshwater biodiversity annotation annotation page 1450174MB – Draft 166TARANAKI AS ONE—Taranaki Tāngata Tū Tahi DOC surveys of 24 sites undertaken in 2011 and 2012 highlighted eight streams as important sites for large galaxiids, either because there was a high abundance of a large galaxiid species or there was good species diversity. No large galaxiids were found in six

Appendix 10B: Ngāti Ruanui

Waka. Whenuakura: the land belonging to the people of high rank Like the Tangahoe River, this river provided the people of the Aotea Waka, and later the people of Ngati Hine and Ngati Tupito, with all the resources of life they required to survive. The valley through which the river flowed provided multiple bird life, animals, clothing, building, gardening, and warfare implements, as well as places where social activities, fishing, and waka racing could take place.

Yarrow Stadium future 8 options: Value to Taranaki

to Taranaki, takes a high level approach, comparing values created by the 8 Options. 1.1 Approach to Option comparison The retrospective October 2018 report took the timescale from when information is available for the new-configuration Yarrow Stadium in 2003, through fifteen years to 2017. Our approach here is to project forward the similar types of values for the coming 15 years for each Option. There has been some expansion and changes in uses in recent years, so we have

Report and decision on erosion protection works for SH3 at Tongaporutu Estuary (2013)

metres south of the northern end of the embankment, adjacent to an area of bank which has previously been stabilised with mass blocks and rock works.The slip area is 8 metres high and 28 metres long (at the base). The Tongaporutu Estuary is located directly below the underslip, and the Pou Tehia Historic Reserve is located approximately 50 metres southeast of the underslip. Subject site page 2 4. The proposed works include construction of an engineered slope

Annual report 2012-2013

as follows: - a high level of environmental performance and compliance indicates that essentially there were no adverse environmental effects to be concerned about, and no, or trivial (such as data supplied after a deadline) non-compliance with conditions. - a good level of environmental performance and compliance indicates that adverse environmental effects of activities during the year were negligible or minor at most, items of concern were resolved positively, co-operatively,

Appendix 4A: Ngāti Ruanui

the two rivers, Patea nui a Turi and Whenuakura. Turi was the Ariki (Rangatira of highest rank) of the Aotea Waka. Whenuakura: the land belonging to the people of high rank Like the Tangahoe River, this river provided the people of the Aotea Waka, and later the people of Ngati Hine and Ngati Tupito, with all the resources of life they required to survive. The valley through which the river flowed provided multiple bird life, animals, clothing, building, gardening, and warfare

Taranaki Biodiversity Forum Accord 2012

following vision statement: “…Rotokare Scenic Reserve will be a flourishing indigenous ecosystem, highly valued by the community.” The Rotokare Scenic Reserve Trust has created ‘mainland’ island and manages a predator-exclusion fence that protects 230 ha of the Rotokare Scenic Reserve. The Trust 5 Neil Phillips, email correspondence to the Taranaki Regional Council (Document 915902). Further information on

Pukeiti Newsletter June 2018

furniture in the new Lodge. Obituary page It is just over a year since Austropuccinia psidii, myrtle rust, first arrived in mainland New Zealand. Rusts are fungi which get their name because the myriad of spores they produce are rust coloured. These spores are very small and light and are easily dispersed by any air movement. Wind is the most common way the rust spreads. Myrtle rust thrives when the temperature is between 15 and 25 degrees, there is high humidity to keep the leaf

Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust newsletter February 2020

in creamy white, flushed pink with a green to yellow throat. 1.8m $20.00 20T R. ‘Frosted Ice’: Like R. ‘Coconut Ice’ this is another (yakushimanum x aberconwayi) hybrid bred at Pukeiti by Graham Smith. It also has a nice compact habit but the flowers are pure white. Attractive, dark green foliage. 1m Mid-season. $20.00 page 3 21T R. ‘Lemon Lodge’: A Pukeiti hybrid with huge, primrose-yellow flowers on a compact plant. Very free flowering and a highly sought after plant. …

Taranaki Regional Council Pre-Election Report 2016

development and best use of hill country Maintenance of a high standard of ambient air quality Maintenance and enhancement of indigenous biodiversity Resource management policies, plans and strategies that deliver efficient and effective management of the natural and physical resources of the region and are acceptable to the community Efficient and effective resource consent processing, administration, compliance monitoring and enforcement DESCRIPTION The Resource