This is raw data and may not have been subjected to a quality control process. All efforts are made to ensure the integrity of the data, but the Council cannot guarantee its accuracy, or its suitability for any purpose.

Air temperature Rainfall River flow River level Soil moisture Soil temperature Water temperature Wind direction Wind gust Wind speed

Wind speed

Wind speed 09:00pm

37.2 km/h, Light to Moderate

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Terms and conditions

The environmental data published to the website is provisional data only and may not have been checked by our quality assurance procedures.

Please note that timestamps are in NZST (one hour behind during daylight saving).

The Taranaki Regional Council has taken all reasonable care in compiling and publishing this information. The Council accepts no responsibility for any use of or reliance on the information by any person, and shall not be liable to any person on any ground, for any loss, injury, damage or expense arising from such use or reliance.

See the full terms and conditions for the supply of environmental data

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*NZST (NZ Standard Time). Provisional data only.
Wind speed measurements are taken every 10 min.


This is raw data and may not have been subjected to a quality control process. All efforts are made to ensure the integrity of the data, but the Council cannot guarantee its accuracy, or its suitability for any purpose. See the full terms and conditions for the use of environmental data