Policies & procedures on councillors & meetings

Code of conduct, standing orders, and councillor allowances and expenses.

Code of Conduct

This Code is designed to help Councillors to establish and maintain working relationships built on trust and respect. The Code sets out the principles of good conduct and standards of behaviour in their dealings with each other, the Chief Executive and staff of the Council, the media and the public.

Elected Members Code of Conduct (515 KB pdf) (single document only)

Standing Orders

These standing orders are intended to enable the orderly conduct Council meetings. They incorporate legislative provisions relating to meetings, decision making and transparency. They also include practical guidance to ensure statutory provisions are complied with, and the spirit of the legislation fulfilled.

Taranaki Regional Council Model Standing Orders (1.7 MB pdf) (single document only)

Policy on Elected Members' Allowances and Recovery of Expenses

This policy sets out rules on the claiming of expenses by elected members and the resources that will be available to them during their term of office.

FRODO 3247615 v2 Elected Members Allowances and Recovery Expenses Policy 14 October 2022 (221 KB pdf) (single document only)