Council news

The latest news releases from Taranaki Regional Council.

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Council to consult on Māori representation

Tue 23 Feb 2021

Taranaki Regional Council is to seek the community’s views on creating a Māori constituency for the 2022 local authority elections.

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Mustelids added to Taranaki pest plan

FRODO 2583810 v1 Stoat 046 359 resized

Tue 23 Feb 2021

Stoats, ferrets and weasels have officially been declared ‘pests’ in Taranaki and a new rule introduced to control them, in a move to protect the region’s investment in restoring native biodiversity.

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2020 a big year for Taranaki Enviroschools

Stratford hen house

Thu 28 Jan 2021

Drawing from the momentum of Venture Taranaki the Enviroschools Taranaki team were able to support the continuation of a community approach to learning and actions that embraced community needs, benefited people and benefited the environment through 2020.

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Unique butterfly released in Taranaki: Have you seen one?


Fri 15 Jan 2021

A beautiful butterfly has arrived in Taranaki but don’t be fooled by its good looks - it has a very important job to do.

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Bugs, birds and gardens - lockdown ideas for all the family

Backyard Biodiversity

Fri 03 Apr 2020

If you thought staying at home was boring, you’ve got a whole new world waiting to be discovered.

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'Perfect timing' as Waitara River gets thorough check-up


Mon 20 Jan 2020

The Waitara River is set to gain extra benefits from a national pilot study focused on the best ways to assess any microbiological health risks to freshwater swimmers.

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