plants at cost and
continue to help farmers work through the rules to
ensure compliance.
The Council also acknowledges that because of high
rainfall and particular soil types, a small percentage
of farmers will be unable to discharge effluent to
land. They would be able to obtain a discretionary
resource consent allowing them to continue
discharging pond-treated wastewater to water.
Dairy farmers will understand that the new
provisions on riparian management
Hill Country.
Pests and diseases
Fungal diseases - Fungal diseases are
currently regarded as a more serious hazard
than insect attacks or other animal pests.
Except in dry conditions (less than 800mm
rainfall), radiata pine is susceptible to two
main fungal diseases: Dothistroma and
Dothistroma causes severe defoliation (with
consequent growth loss) on stands up to 12-15
years, particularly in high rainfall areas, or
where air movement is restricted and high
humidity is
is a partnership
between the 16 regional and
unitary councils, Cawthron
Institute, Ministry for the
Environment and Massey
University, and is supported by the
Tindall Foundation. LAWA provides
the public with up-to-date
validated information on one website about freshwater and beach water quality, surface
water and groundwater quality, and rainfall across New Zealand. TRC, along with other
regional councils, regularly sends data to the website.
The website
Regional Transport agenda September 2021
substrate and low rainfall at the beach would be restricting the production of leachate from the green
waste. It is therefore considered that, so long as STDC continues to monitor for and remove exposed
unacceptable material from the coastline, the environmental effects from the activities at the site are likely
to be no more than minor.
3.3 Evaluation of performance
A tabular summary of the consent holder’s compliance record for the year under review is set out in Table 2.
Table 2 Example
on reworked dune fields. The Waikaikai Stream flows
approximately through the centre of the site. The proximity of the site to this
recognised ecosystem has been taken into account in the setting of buffer distances
and location of the stockpiling facilities.
The predominant soil type has been identified as black loamy sand and vegetation
growth is primarily pasture. Average annual rainfall for the site is 1043 mm (taken
from the nearby ‘Patea’ monitoring station). As with the other
paddocks (green) and
regular paddocks (blue). 20
Figure 7 The average volume of wastewater discharged to the Kahouri Stream in
relation to stream flow and the 100:1 consent limit 22
Figure 8 The volume of wastewater irrigated to land and discharged to water,
compared with the monthly rainfall totals 23
Figure 9 The proportion of wastewater irrigated to land over summer and winter
since November 2011 24
Figure 10 Monthly wastewater volume compared with monthly total kill and total
illustrating the wind direction and strength over the Taranaki
Sawmills PM10 monitoring period 99
Figure 13 PM10 results in the vicinity of Taranaki Sawmills site expressed as a
moving 1 hour average 99
Figure 14 PM10, PM10 (24 hour average), and wind direction for ambient monitoring
in the vicinity of Taranaki Sawmills site 100
Figure 15 Rainfall recorded at SH3 in the neighbouring Mangati catchment 101
Figure 16 Property of TBS Coatings Limited, and related monitoring sites 107
Figure 17
Tawhiti catchment consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
and any points of interest be discussed in this item on the agenda. A template will be
issued prior to the next meeting. Members agreed that they will respond to these in future.
Item 10: Forthcoming Events (standing item)
Shared by Marcia that TRST have some events coming up that she is happy to share with
the minutes, but the main two are;
• They have four rural woman events coming up and one for migrant communities.
General Business
Shared that the region has a heavy rainfall