Your search for 'rainfall' returned 1318 results.

November 2023 rainfall

November was a slightly wetter and cooler month than usual for most of Taranaki with 143.9mm of rainfall – 3% more than usual. There was 3% more rainfall than average, ranging from 32% less rain at Kaupokonui at Glenn Rd to 39% more rain than normal at Waiwhakaiho at Hillsborough. Year to date rainfall ranges from 11% less rainfall at Pohokura Saddle, and 12% more rainfall at Omaru at Charlies, with an average of 2% less than normal. The average air temperature for Taranaki was 13.5°C, which is

October 2023 rainfall

October was a relatively dry month for most of Taranaki with 115mm of rainfall – 30% less than usual. There was 48% less rain than normal at Brooklands Zoo in New Plymouth and the site also had the highest air temperature for the month at 25.6°C. Year to date rainfall ranges from 13% less rainfall at Uruti at Kaka Rd, and 10% more rainfall at Omaru at Charlies, with an average of 3% less than normal. Mean river flows for October were 28.3% lower than typical values while mean river

September 2023 rainfall

Brooklands Zoo in New Plymouth recorded the highest air temperature last month - 21.2°C - while rainfall across Taranaki was just 3% more than typical for September. On average rainfall was 158.5mm ranging from 15% less rainfall at Kotare at OSullivans, and 30% more rainfall at Motunui M39 at Weston W3 than a typical September. Year to date rainfall ranges from 11% less rainfall at Uruti at Kaka Rd, and 14% more rainfall at Tawhiti at Duffys, with an average of 1% more than normal. Mean river

August 2023 rainfall

After a very wet start to 2023, year to date rainfall for Taranaki is now about average. Dry July continued into August with an average of 145.4mm of rain, 17% less than a typical amount for the month. This ranged from 44% less rainfall at Mangorei Upper at Forest Hill to 2% more rainfall at Waitotara at Rimunui Station than usual. Mean river flows for August were 29.6% lower than typical values while mean river (non-mountain) water temperatures were 9.4°C, an average of 1°C cooler than

July 2023 rainfall

It was a dry July for some parts of the region last month with an average of 108.3mm of rain, 41% less than typical July rainfall. There was 71% less than rainfall at Whangamomona at Marco Road while mean river flows were 41.4% lower than typical values. Year to date rainfall ranges from 15% less rainfall at Uruti at Kaka Rd, and 17% more rainfall at Tawhiti at Duffys, with an average of 4% more than normal. Mean river (non-mountain) water temperatures were 10.3°C, an average of 0.4°C warmer

June 2023 rainfall

June bucked the trend for more than average monthly rainfall since the start of 2023 with an average of 74.9mm, or just 58% of the typical amount for the month. This ranged from 80% less rainfall at Waitotara at Ngutuwera, and 37% less rainfall at Brooklands Zoo at New Plymouth than a typical June. Year to date rainfall ranges from 5% less rainfall at Uruti at Kaka Rd, and 45% more rainfall at Whanganui at Mataimona Trig, with an average of 16% more than normal. Mean river flows for June were

May 2023 rainfall

Last month in May, sites received 48% of the typical year's rainfall with 257.2 mm of rain. On average rainfall for May was 257.2 mm, 48% more typical May rainfall, and ranging from 11% more rainfall at Omahine at Moana Trig, and 86% more rainfall at Tawhiti at Duffys than a typical May. Year to date rainfall ranges from 11% more rainfall at Waitotara at Hawken Rd, and 78% more rainfall at Whanganui at Mataimona Trig, with an average of 36% more than normal. Compared to typical full year

April 2023 rainfall

There were plenty of April showers last month with nearly 775mm of rain at the North Egmont Visitors Centre and 574.5mm at Dawson Falls. Rainfall was on average 101.8% of the long-term average, and ranged from 65% at Taungatara at Eltham Rd and Oeo u/s Awatuna Wetland, to 192% at Matarawa at Matarawa Valley. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 103% (Mangati at SH3) and 206% (Matarawa at Matarawa Valley) with an average of 139.7% of normal. Mean river flows were 133.8% of typical values,

June 2022 rainfall

Rainfall for June was on average 146.5% of the long-term average, and ranged from 96.4% at Kahui Hut to 205.8% at Pohokura Saddle in East Taranaki. Rainfall was elevated on the southern side of the Maunga and central and northern hill country. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 95.5% (Kotare at OSullivans) and 198.8% (Kapoaiaia at Lighthouse) with an average of 126.9% of normal. Mean river flows for June were way up from May, and are generally above typical June averages at around 159.2%

March 2023 rainfall

This year continues to be far wetter than usual with rainfall across Taranaki 146.7% of normal for the first three months and 128% of the long-term average in March. Last month’s rainfall ranged from 64% at Brooklands Zoo at New Plymouth to 189% at Waitotara at Ngutuwera. Year to date rainfall is sitting between 102% (Waiwhakaiho at Hillsborough) and 236% (Whanganui at Mataimona Trig). Mean river flows for March were 144.5% of typical values, low flows were 246.2%, and high flows 151.4%, of