Your search for 'rates' returned 2263 results.

Greymouth Petroleum Ltd Deep Well Injection Annual Report 2023-2024

achieved. A further 28 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the Company over the last several years, this report shows that the Company’s performance remains at a generally high level. This report includes recommendations for the 2024/25 year, including the optional review in June 2025 for resource consents 7897-1, 9272-2, 9470-1, 10483-1,

Healthy waterways report 2017

holders, which consistently reveals a generally high rate of compliance with consent conditions across all sectors, Non-compliance with consent conditions, and pollution complaints are thoroughly investigated by Council and appropriate enforcement action is taken. Riparian protection satus at September 2017. Progressively darker shades indicate increased protection. The Waiokura is part of a national project which showcased five ‘best practice dairy catchments’ from around the country – two in the

Cold Creek Water Supply Annual Report 2023-24

physicochemical analysis, two biomonitoring surveys of receiving waters and a review of water abstraction and stream flow data. The monitoring showed that CCCWSL complied with their consent conditions in regards to discharge standards and abstraction rates. In comparison to previous years, the monitoring indicated that CCCWSL’s compliance with abstraction rate limits had improved. Chemical sampling of discharges and receiving waters and macroinvertebrate surveys indicated that the water supply scheme

GPL Northern Sites Annual Report 2023-2024

holders were found to achieve a high level of environmental performance and compliance for 864 (89%) of a total of 967 consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 75 (8%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 26 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance

TRC Factsheet 2025 Local Government Elections

FACT SHEET | TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS | 11 OCTOBER 2025 details, including new postal addresses) should be made by: → completing the appropriate form (available from the Electoral Commission or Council service centres and libraries); → phoning 0800 36 76 56 to request a form be posted to you with a return envelope. → accessing the Electoral Commission website on: Ratepayer Roll: If a person is on the parliamentary roll in one area and pays rates

Form B – Land Use & Discharge consent application form for farming activities (Jan 2025)

Each option will be covered below. You only need to apply under one of these options. Regardless of the option chosen, the consent authority will need to be satisfied with the report or plan provided. Please state where in the AEE the information can be located AEE Page Number Section Report on good practices and the baseline rate The consent application includes a report that: ☐ Has been prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced practitioner ☐ Sets out good

Oaonui Water Supply Annual Report 2023-2024

performance and compliance for 864 (89%) of a total of 967 consents monitored through the Taranaki tailored monitoring programmes, while for another 75 (8%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 26 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several years, this

Regional Software Holdings Ltd Annual Report 2023/24

Provide a summary of the survey results in the annual report, including performance against the baseline. Survey results to be the same or better than the previous year. Achieved The baseline survey for IRIS NextGen was completed in June 2024, with results presented to the Steering Group in July. For each survey topic the council was asked to rate the performance of RSHL on this scale: • Outstanding • Good • Neutral • Poor • Very Poor • N/A Responses were received from 8 out

Concrete Plants Annual Report 2023-2024

monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. This report includes recommendations for the 2023/24 year. page page i Table of contents Page Introduction 1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1 1.1.1 Introduction 1 1.1.2 Structure of this report 1 1.1.3 The Resource Management Act 1991 and monitoring 1 1.1.4 Evaluation

Hickman JD 1997 Family Trust Annual Report 2023-2024

another 75 (8%) of the consents a good level of environmental performance and compliance was achieved. A further 26 (3%) of consents monitored required improvement in their performance, while the remaining two (<1%) achieved a rating of poor. In terms of overall environmental and compliance performance by the consent holder over the last several years, this report shows that the consent holder’s performance has improved since the previous year’s review. This report includes recommendations