Your search for 'contingency plan' returned 2979 results.

MR2014 GreymouthOnaeroWellsite

Land status 20 2.4 Contingency plan 20 2.5 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 20 3. Discussion 22 3.1 Discussion of plant performance 22 page ii 3.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 22 3.3 Evaluation of performance 25 3.4 Exercise of optional review of consents 30 3.5 Alterations to monitoring programmes for fracturing activities 31 4. Recommendations 32 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 33 Appendix I

Taranaki Biodiversity Trust Annual Report - 2015-16

remains vacant until the Trust’s Annual General Meeting in October 2016 whereby an election will be held to fill the vacancy. The Trust Board met eight times during 2015/2016 to develop strategy, set the direction, approve plans and progress the building of a strong foundation for the future. My personal thanks goes to Leigh Honnor, Regional Biodiversity Co-ordinator, for all her hard work in this area. Thanks also to the Taranaki Regional Council for hosting the majority of our Board

Message clear: Get on with SH3 Bell Block-Waitara safety project

Taranaki speaks with one voice in seeking urgent action on long-awaited safety improvements on the Bell Block-Waitara corridor, says the head of the Regional Transport Committee. The Committee today confirmed the improvements as the top transport priority for the region, after hearing submissions on its Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2021-2027. “Submitters endorsed the project’s top-priority status by a margin of more than three to one over the next priority, highway safety

Biennial report 2012-2014

conditions. Water discharge permit 7755-1 allows Vector to discharge stormwater from non- process areas to the Kapuni Stream. This permit was issued by the Taranaki Regional Council on 20 June 2012 under Section 87(e) of the RMA. It expires on 1 June 2035. Condition 1 relates to best practicable option. Condition 2 limits the stormwater catchment area. Condition 3 refers to effects of the discharge on the Kapuni Stream. page 7 Condition 4 relates to a contingency

Osflo Fertiliser Ltd monitoriong report 2019-2020

Company’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such as contingency plans and water take data) in accordance with consent conditions. Events that were beyond the control of the consent holder and unforeseeable (that is a defence under the provisions of the RMA can be established) may be excluded with regard to the performance rating applied. For example loss of data due to a flood destroying …

Annual repor 2012-2013

relating to operational and management planning. It is due to expire on 1 June 2020. Condition 1 requires the consent holder to adopt the best practicable option to prevent or minimise adverse effects of the discharge on any waterbody. Condition 2 imposes a limit on the stormwater catchment size. page 7 Condition 3 requires site specific details relating to contingency planning for the site. Condition 4 requires all stormwater be directed through a stormwater

Biennial report 2012-2014

point and receiving water. No discharge sampling warranted Yes 9. Progressively reinstate quarry to minimise exposed area Site inspections Yes 10. Properly maintain and operate settling ponds system to minimise discharge Site inspections and discussion with consent holder Yes 11. Prepare and maintain contingency plan Most recent contingency plan received and approved by Council in July 2003 Yes 12. Reinstatement of site Quarry still active N/A 13. Lapse

Biennial report 2013-2015

Environmental performance is concerned with actual or likely effects on the receiving environment from the activities during the monitoring year. Administrative performance is concerned with the Trust’s approach to demonstrating consent compliance in site operations and management including the timely provision of information to Council (such as contingency plans and water take data) in accordance with consent conditions. Events that were beyond the control of the consent holder and unforeseeable

Report 2009-2013

residences by a surrounding pine plantation which would help with prevention of noise and dust nuisances. A stormwater management plan and spill contingency plan have been previously supplied by the Company to the Council and are still considered adequate for the purpose. Staff have a spill kit on site and are trained in its use. 3.2 Environmental effects of exercise of the consent The main potential environmental effect of quarry operations on waterways is the discharge of

Annual report 2012-2013

trenches. page 7 Condition 3 requires the consent holder to provide records of daily effluent volumes discharged. Condition 4 requires the consent holder to provide a contingency plan for the site. Condition 5 deals with review of the consent. 1.3.2 Coastal structure Section 12(b) of the Resource Management Act stipulates that no person may erect, reconstruct, place, alter, extend, remove, or demolish any structure or any part of a structure that is