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Supporting documentation

oil spill response plan, the regional land transport plan, the regional public transport plan, the civil defence emergency management group plan and a number of asset management plans (river and flood control schemes and regional gardens). The Council intends to keep strongly focused on its core activities, all of which are important for the social, cultural, economic and environmental well-being of the region. These activities include:  protecting our rivers, lakes and water from

Long-Term Plan 2018/2028

number of asset management plans (river and flood control schemes and regional gardens). The Council intends to keep strongly focused on its core activities, all of which are important for the social, cultural, economic and environmental well-being of the region. These activities include:  protecting our rivers, lakes and water from pollution  managing the wise and productive use of water and soil  protecting the quality of our air  managing our coastal resources wisely 

Annual Report 2012/2013 - full document

Waitara Scheme, with the completi on of a comprehensive study of the hydrology of the Waitara River Catchment. • Completed physical channel clearance over 600m of the tributaries of the Waitotara River with spraying over a further 16km to control regrowth of willow and poplar. • Maintained the Okato Scheme (including assets on the Stony River and Kaihihi Stream that have been constructed by the Council over the years) in accordance with the new management plan. Completed the

Long-Term Plan 2018-2028 (Final draft pending approval)

annual plans. The plans, strategies and policies include the regional policy statement, four regional plans (air, fresh water, soil and coastal), two biosecurity strategies (pest plants and pest animals), the biodiversity operational strategy, the oil spill response plan, the regional land transport plan, the regional public transport plan, the civil defence emergency management group plan and a number of asset management plans (river and flood control schemes and regional gardens). The

Supporting Document for Ordinary Council meeting February 2018

transport plan, the regional public transport plan, the civil defence emergency management group plan and a number of asset management plans (river and flood control schemes and regional gardens). The Council intends to keep strongly focused on its core activities, all of which are important for the social, cultural, economic and environmental well-being of the region. These activities include:  protecting our rivers, lakes and water from pollution  managing the wise and productive use

Council meeting agenda December 2019

Remuneration 2019/2020 Item 7 79 External Appointments to Taranaki Regional Council Item 8 83 Submission on Proposed New Plymouth District Plan Item 9 188 Submission on Climate Change Response Amendment Bill Item 10 193 Pukeiti Update on Implementation for the Asset Management Plan Item 11 200 Public Excluded Item 12 201 Confidential Minutes Ordinary Meeting - Tuesday 5 November Item 13 204 Confidential Minutes Executive, Audit and Risk - Monday 2 December Ordinary

TRC Annual Report 2020/2021 summary

our community supports a move to better, more meaningful Māori representation around the Council table. The Council finished the 2020/2021 financial year with a surplus of $11.6m. This result was strongly and favourably influenced by property and asset revaluations ($2.1m) and reserves of yet-to-be- spent funding for Waitara River catchment improvements (under terms of the Waitara Lands Act 2018) and the Kaitake Trail Te Ara a Ruhihiwerapini. As noted, there were also significant

Executive, Audit & Risk agenda December 2021

4,366,647 Direct charges revenue 103,144 215,076 -111,932 421,321 636,728 -215,407 12,820,150 Government grants 129,214 174,060 -44,846 1,089,964 522,180 567,784 5,229,709 Vested assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total income 582,480 4,784,075 -4,201,595 6,400,534 10,182,209 -3,781,675 47,208,154 Operating surplus/(deficit) before finance income/expenses & taxation -2,877,396 1,079,260 -3,956,656 -3,819,190 -950,227 -2,868,963 -2,459,824 Finance income 20,211