Schedules and appendices
COASTAL PL AN FOR TARANAKI Schedu les and append i ces
CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 2 – Coas t a l m ana gem ent a reas
Schedule 1 – Coastal management areas ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Schedule 2 – Coastal areas of outstanding
Restoring the Waiwhakaiho River, zero waste gigs, wool water filters and stopping the decline in kiwi numbers are among the achievements of this year’s Taranaki Regional Council Environmental Award winners. In an awards ceremony held in New Plymouth on Tuesday night, 19 winners were congratulated for leading by example with their efforts to be more sustainable, and protect our precious taiao (natural resources). Taranaki Regional Council chairperson Charlotte Littlewood says the awards are
Taranaki Stadium Trust
Statement of Financial Performance
For the Three Years Ended 30 June 2025, 30 June 2026 and 30 June 2027
Budget Budget Budget
2025 2026 2027
$ $ $
Taranaki Regional Council Grant 2,178,669 2,178,669 2,178,669
Crown Infrastructure Partners Funding 6,236,442 0 0
Rent 80,000 85,000 90,000
Interest received 10,000 0 0
Total income 8,505,111 2,263,669 2,268,669
Depreciation and amortisation expense 1,100,000 1,900,000 1,900,000
This information sheet explains the
requirements of a Notice of Direction
issued under section 122 of the
Biosecurity Act 1993.
What is a Notice of Direction?
A Notice of Direction is a formal legal
document which requires you to destroy
certain pest plants on your property.
A Notice of Direction is the first step to
ensure pest plants are controlled on all
properties within the region.
The Taranaki Regional Council
Business category winners in the 2022 Taranaki Regional Council Environmental Awards. Category sponsor: Daily News Todd Energy - for a significant contribution to the safeguarding and protection of the Kapuni Awa. After major flooding on the Kapuni Awa (river) in South Taranaki in July 2021, Taranaki energy company Todd Energy invested in a 100m-long new rock wall. Around 1500m3 of land within the Nova Generation Solar Farm site was washed away during the major weather event, with sediment
the Executive, Audit and Risk Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council:
a) takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Executive, Audit and Risk
Committee held in the Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47 Cloten road, Stratford
on Monday 7 December 2020 at 10am
b) notes the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on
Tuesday 15 December 2020.
Matters Arising
Document 2658894: Minutes Executive, Audit
completed and made operative on 25 July 2011.
September 2016 5
Performance measure Actual performance
Regional Fresh Water and Land Plan: On going
review 2019/2020. Interim review 2025/2026.
The Freshwater and Soil Plans have been reviewed and a
combined Draft Plan sent out for targeted consultation on 1
May 2015. Draft Section 32 Report commenced. At the Policy
and Planning Committee of 26 November 2015, the Council
agreed to
Sample Windrow monitoring sheet
Organic Inputs flow chart
Organic Additives flow chart
Remediation (NZ) Ltd RW-P-751-001-B
Organic Production Protocols Greenwaste Composting & Vermiculture
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Sample Dispatch [onn
Sample transporters declaration
- j -
Remediation (NZ) Ltd RW-P-751-001-B
Organic Production Protocols Greenwaste Composting & Vermiculture
1.1. Objectives and Aims
The goal of
Policy and Planning Committee
Tuesday 23 July 2019
Taranaki Regional Council, Stratford
Agenda for the meeting of the Policy and Planning Committee to be held in the
Taranaki Regional Council chambers, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford, on Tuesday 23
July 2019 commencing at 10.30am.
Members Councillor N W Walker (Committee Chairperson)
Councillor M P Joyce
Councillor C L Littlewood
Councillor D H McIntyre
Twenty-four candidates have put their names in the hat to be a Taranaki Regional Council elected member. Nominations closed for the 2022 local elections on Friday 12 August. The provisional list includes 11 candidates standing in the New Plymouth Constituency, three in North Taranaki, five in South Taranaki, four in Stratford and one candidate in the Taranaki Māori Constituency. There are seven more candidates who have come forward to make their mark on our region than in the 2019 elections.