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Remediation New Zealand Ltd Uruti Composting Facility Annual Report 2021-2022

is owned by the Company, and consists of steep eroded hillsides, multiple side gullies, and small river flats distributed along its length. The area receives more rainfall than the northern Taranaki coastline to the south-west. Soils are generally poor and highly erodible. Patches of bush and planted trees cover most of the hillsides, with grasses over the remainder and the flats. 1.3 Process description The Company’s operations include composting, quarrying and vermiculture operations

Form B – Land Use (Use of beds of lakes and rivers)

the bulk earthworks proposed; e) Maintenance, monitoring and reporting procedures; f) Rainfall response and contingency measures including procedures to minimise adverse effects in the event of extreme rainfall events and/or the failure of any key erosion and sediment control structures; g) Procedures and timing for review and/or amendment to the erosion and sediment control measures listed in the ESCP; and, h) Identification and contact details of personnel responsible for

Annual report 2015-2016

Figure 1 Configuration of the HWWTP (adapted from NIWA 2012) 5 Figure 2 Compliance of DO concentration (g/m3) with consent conditions in the primary and secondary oxidation ponds 2015-2016 13 Figure 3 Faecal coliform numbers in the HWWTP effluent, 1992 to 2016 16 Figure 4 Daily discharge volumes (m3/day) from the HWWTP and daily rainfall data (mm) from a Council rainfall station approximately 5 km east of the site, 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016. Inset: Rainfall and outflow data from

Hāwera oxidation ponds consent monitoring 2018-2019

Summary of performance for consent 7520-1 24 Table 12 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 25 List of figures Figure 1 Configuration of the HWWTP (adapted from NIWA, 2012) 4 Figure 2 Daily hours where DO is greater than 0 g/m3 in Pond 1 and 2 8 Figure 3 Daily discharge volumes (m3/day) from the HWWTP and daily rainfall data (mm) from a Council rainfall station located approximately 5 km east of the site (2018-2019) 13 Figure 4 Location of intertidal survey

Summer 2010-2011

the frequency of sample collection earlier in the period. Sampling commenced in early November 2010 with three of the sampling surveys performed prior to January 2011. The majority of the surveys were performed over the latter half of the summer period. Bathing water samples were normally taken between the hours of 0900 and 1800 hours (NZDST) with none collected within a three day period following significant river fresh conditions. [NB: regional differences in rainfall patterns have caused

Annual report 2013-2014

irrigation was high. Most irrigation had commenced by the middle of December. Over the five month summer irrigation period, Mount Taranaki recorded between 69% and 88% of normal rainfall which meant that rivers were running well below mean flows for the entire period. The low stream flows necessitated close and frequent monitoring by the Council to ensure ecological flows were maintained in those waterways being used to supply water for irrigation. During the period under review compliance with

Application form CURRENT Part B Water related activities 3277524

answers. 1) For an irrigation consent, applications are required to provide a reasonable use test in relation to the maximum daily rate of abstraction return period and the seasonal or annual volume of the proposed take. When making decisions on the reasonableness of the rate and volume of take sought, the Council will: a. consider land use, crop water-use requirements, on-site physical factors such as soil water- holding capacity, and climatic factors such as rainfall variability and