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Port Taranaki Industries Annual Report 2021-2022

effluent/stormwater into the Tasman Sea, and two consents to discharge emissions into the air. In addition, Port Taranaki also holds a Certificate of Compliance with regards to air discharges. The Council’s monitoring programme for the period under review included five site inspections of Port Taranaki, five inspections of Downer and Technix, and three inspections of Methanex and Liquigas. Additionally, stormwater samples were collected for physicochemical analysis during two wet weather sampling

TRC Annual Report 2022 2023

in Auckland and Northland, major weather events are likely to occur more regularly because of climate change and that’s something we have to mitigate against and consider when putting in place plans and long-term strategies to protect our region. We will be including more information and seeking feedback on how we might address these issues in our 2024 Long Term Plan. These changes and challenges represent opportunities for the Council to ensure we have the right systems and

Submitters Statement of evidence Duncan Backshall

surrounding area, there are a number of shelter belts and orchards within 300 m of the site, apart from towards the south-east. These are likely to significantly reduce wind speeds compared to those measured at the weather station at New Plymouth airport, which is sited near the runway and is fully exposed to coastal weather conditions. 4. EFFECTS OF EMISSIONS TO AIR 4.1 Activities at the site and the proposed change to a free-range operation are described in detail by

Supplementary Officer Report for Resource Consent

forwarded an email that the Council had received from Kevin and Glenis McDonald. In it, they advised that their air quality consultant was requesting that Council officers carry out an odour survey on the McDonald property, as weather conditions meant air movement was flowing from the poultry sheds to the McDonald property (ie calm to light SE winds) and the sheds still contained final weight birds, which were due to be removed within a day or two. The consultant expressed awareness of an intention

Freshwater recreational bathing summer 2019-2020

Henui and Waimoku Streams and lower Waiwhakaiho River) have shown a statistically significant increasing trend. No other sites have shown statistically significant trends (positive or negative) in seasonal median E. coli numbers. Additional sampling (in accordance with the MfE, 2003 guidelines for datasets for grading purposes) at four principal usage sites (Lake Rotomanu and Waiwhakaiho, Kaupokonui and Waingongoro Rivers) occurred largely in dry weather and resulted in little change in the

Policy and Planning Agenda Oct 2023 web

development on the avoidance and mitigation of natural hazards.2 9. The proposed NPS-NHD is responding to the following problem3 : “Aotearoa New Zealand is increasingly at risk from a range of natural hazards, including earthquakes, flooding and landslips. Severe weather events are becoming more frequent due to climate change. Building new developments like houses, office buildings, shops, roads and schools in areas at high risk from natural hazards increases risk to human life, community

NPDC New Plymouth WWTP Annual Report 2020 2021

coastal bathing water quality (Figure 6). Monitoring was discontinued at the fourth coastal site (West Outfall), following a review of the monitoring programme in 2017. A site on the Waiwhakaiho River was also monitored in order to determine any influence of the river on the coastal waters. Thirteen samples were collected at each site during dry weather conditions and analysed for enterococci or E. coli, and conductivity. Figure 6 Water quality sampling sites, in relation to the New