Your search for 'Building' returned 1429 results.

2021 Calendar of events Enviroschools

localized products/systems) - Vision Mapping with a Permaculture (systems) thinking approach (school/kindy &/or whole community) - Climate Change Action – youth/student action & empowerment - Outlook For Someday – Sustainability focused movie making up to 5 minutes for under 25’s - Nursery creation – eco-sourcing, grafting & propagating for a better tomorrow annotation page Funding & support available Building

Volcano hazards management for Taranaki - GNS Science

centre and surrounding towns. page 2011 GNS Science Report 2011/37 3 Taranaki cone began forming more than 130,000 years B.P., with the building of a proto- cone from which large volcanic avalanche deposits mantle the surrounding ring plain. Deposits from around this time have largely been eroded away or destroyed by subsequent eruptions. Another cone (“meso-Egmont”) had been built by 35,000 years B.P. Further eruptions triggered numerous lahars. A large sector

Taranaki Solid Waste Committee 3 March 2022

current number of commercial builds, and consideration of the availability of both Council and contractor resources, particularly during the set-up phase. This threshold will be revisited when the bylaw is next reviewed. It is anticipated that these requirements will eventually roll down to residential builds in addition to commercial builds. 1.2 Clarity is still being sought around developers, whether they are considered commercial or residential. 2. Taranaki District

Lepper Trust Piggery Annual Report 2022-2023

dairy farm management and staff, review the bottom block operation and plan the top block irrigation system. • Provide a Land Disposal Options Report (LDOR) to Council. Year 5 2021-2022 • Undertake trials to evaluate the effects of spreading anaerobic effluent onto pastures on the top block. This will include assessing the effects of different effluent application rates on dairy cow grass grazing and odour levels. Year 6 2022-2023 • Build a storage pond/tank. • Purchase

Appendix 5: Intensive poultry farming managment

shed design, with large capacity fans in one end wall to discharge to one end of a farm; the use of air direction baffles or ramps; and possibly shelter belt plantings (but see [l] ‘Screening’ below). Having the point of discharge at least 3 metres above the peak roofline of the shed and adjacent buildings provides maximum dispersion, by avoiding eddies and downdraughts and promoting dilution. page

Tapuae Roa - Make Way for Taranaki Action Plan April 2018

particularly as Taranaki spring boards into a modern high-value economy, but we need to diversify those mainstays to build long-term resilience. Fifteen years ago we established Venture Taranaki Trust (VTT) and, largely reliant on funding from local government, VTT has vigorously pursued development, and with notable success. VTT will be vital to the next stage in our journey. They too may have to adapt, and they certainly cannot do this alone. We are all going to have to act together in ways we

Methanex Motunui and Waitara Valley Combined Annual Report 2022-2023

overview and process description Historical overview The Motunui facility was constructed in 1983 and was originally operated by the New Zealand Synthetic Fuels Corporation to produce petrol from natural gas, during the ‘Think Big’ era. The decision to build the facility was made under the National Development Act 1979. New Zealand Synthetic Fuels Corporation operated two production units, Methanol 1 and Methanol 2 as well as a gasoline to methanol plant. At that stage, crude methanol was an