
Monitored consent holders include Taranaki's major industries, as well as smaller operations. The latter are typically grouped by activity class or by location.

Ample Group Ltd

The Ample Group Ltd (formerly Gold International Meat Processors and Taranaki Abattoirs Ltd) abattoir and rendering plant on Mountain Rd, Stratford, has six resource consents allowing the company to take and use water, discharge effluent and stormwater into the Kahouri Stream, discharge wastewater and degenerating product to land and discharge emissions to the air.

Ample Group Ltd Annual Report 2022-2023 (871 KB PDF) Earlier reports

Fonterra Whareroa

Fonterra’s dairy processing complex on Whareroa Rd, Hawera, has 26 resource consents allowing the abstraction of water from the Wawhiti Stream and Tangahoe River, discharge of wastewater to those waterways, discharge of stormwater to tributaries of those waterways and an unnamed coastal stream, discharge of stormwater and sediment to land, discharge of wastewater to sea, discharge of waste to waste pits, discharge of dairy liquids to land and discharge of emissions to air.

Fonterra Whareroa Annual Report 2022-2023 (2.2 MB PDF) Earlier reports

Greenfern Industries Ltd

Greenfern Industries Ltd operates a hydroelectric power station located on Normanby Road at Okaiawa, in the Waingongoro catchment. Greenfern Industries Ltd hold three resources consents allowing the company to take and use water and to dam the Waingongoro River and to use and maintain a weir and ancillary structure in the Waingongoro River.

Greenfern Hydro Scheme Annual Report 2022-2023 (1.4 MB PDF) Earlier reports

Opunake Power Ltd

Opunake Power Ltd has eight consents allowing it to take and use water from the Waiaua River, discharge water into the Tasman Sea, discharge sand into the Waiaua River, disturb the bed of the Waiaua River and Lake Opunake, and for structures associated with its hydro scheme.

Opunake Power consent monitoring 2017-2018 (823 KB pdf) Earlier reports

Pacific Natural Gut String Company

The Pacific Natural Gut String Company’s processing plant on SH45 west of Manaia has a resource consent allowing the company to discharge wastewater directly to the Tasman Sea.

Annual report 2016-2017 (661 KB pdf) Earlier reports

Renewable Power Ltd Normanby hydro scheme

Renewable Power Ltd has three resource consents allowing it to take and use water and to operate a weir for its hydro power station on the Waingongoro River on Normanby Rd at Okaiawa.

Annual report 2016-2017 (1.3 MB pdf) Earlier reports

Lower Waiwhakaiho catchment (Fitzroy-Glen Avon-The Valley industries)

Monitored consent holders operating in this urban New Plymouth catchment include AML Ltd (Allied Concrete), Devon 662 LP, Downer EDI Works Ltd, Envirowaste Services Ltd, Firth Industries Ltd, Dialog Fitzroy Ltd, Freight and Bulk Transport Holdings Ltd, IBR Holdings Ltd, Nankervis Family Trust, New Plymouth District Council, KiwiRail Holdings Ltd, NZ Railways Corp, Ravensdown Co-operative Fertiliser Ltd, Taranaki Sawmills Ltd, Waste Management NZ Ltd and Technix Group Ltd.

Lower Waiwhakaiho Catchment Annual Report 2022-2023 (3.4 MB PDF) Earlier reports